Dare 2

46 1 5



SamanthaTorres690:this is adorable,I have a dare,I dare all the rainbow friends to hug their best friends❤💖✨🌙💙


lavender🌌:*looks at red because no one will hug him*

Blue🔵:*hugs green*

Orange🔶:*hugs purple*

Cyan💙:*hugs pink and yellow*

Mint🍃:*hugs lavender*

Red❤:*looks around and sighs*I'm in my lab if you need me*slowly and sadly walks to lab*

*a few minutes later*

Lavender🌌:ok I NEED to see red*scates all the way to reds lab*

*knock knock*

Red❤:hold on...*opens door*lavender what are you do-

Lavender🌌:*hugs red*I felt bad so I came here

Red❤:*blushes*t-thank you lavender

Lavender🌌:^//v//^ no problem red

(As mint said more please:3)

(Word count 84)

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