New found power

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Author: I went ahead and chose his next power so read on and you'll find out what it is!

Izuku's POV

I cant believe it I got my quirk! But how do I control it? I start trying to move through the air surprisingly it worked. I can fly! I shouted. I look down to see Kac- no Bakugou staring at me with disbelief in his eyes. I panicked and I may have flew all the way back to my house, what was I supposed to do stay there? I think not. I enter my house and greet my mom. "Mom I got my quirk" I say,  Really honey show me! she said with big happy bright eyes. I start to levitate off of the ground and I was in disbelief when she was literally jumping in joy.

"That's amazing honey is that all? Not that I'm disappointed it's just the doctor told us that you would get stronger every we- oh my god we need to make a new appointment so we can figure out what type of quirk it is!". "Yeah mom! I'm gonna go head to my room so I can get a good night's rest". "Ok goodnight honey", "goodnight" I head up to my room change into my pj's and rest in my bed surrounded by 100's of all might figures. I remember that I still have to go to school and I really don't want to since Bakugou is gonna question the heck out of me me, I just got to pray he doesn't I think to myself as I fall asleep.

I hear the familiar sound of my alarm clock waking me up and I then realize that I have to got to school shit  I  mumble, Bakugou is gonna question the hell out of me. I sigh in defeat knowing there is nothing I can do to stop it from happening. I get ready and put on my school uniform ugh I hate aldera. I head downstairs to meet my mother making me some toast before I go to school. "Good morning mom" I say as she repeats it back to me. I dig into my toast before saying bye to mom and I walk to school. I hate having to walk for so lon- Wait a minute can't I just fly there? I start flying and I reach it in a mater of seconds. Wow that was easy and the air was refreshing I think to myself. I was then snapped out of my thought's when Bakugou walked up to me, Oh shit. you know what? I wont let him push me around anymore I have a quirk!

"What do you want Bakugou?" Bakugou was taken aback by this never has Izuku called him by his actual name but he snapped out of it when he realized Izuku acting tough. "HAH, ARE YOU LOOKING DOWN ON ME DEKU? ALSO DONT FORGET ABOUT YESTERDAY WHEN YOU STARTED FLYING. WHY WOULD YOU HIDE YOU QUIRK FROM ME DO YOU THINK IM SO WEAK I SHOULD'NT SEE IT?" Bakugou shouted piercing Izuku's eardrums like always. "Why would I hide my quirk from you, DO YOU THINK I WANT TO GET BULLIED, DO YOU THINK I WANT WANT TO BE CALLED DEKU OR A FREAK?! NO I DONT SO JU-" Izuku realized he was yelling and calmed down. "just drop it Bakugou" Bakugou just walked away from Izuku when he said that, All Izuku got back was a "Tch"

As he went through his normal everyday at school he was getting weird looks from classmates and teachers, he heard whispering about himself so he snuck up behind one of the group's to see a video of himself jump off of the roof the other day and levitating. He then walked back to his seat and starting repeating the same thing in his head "Oh no". I hope people don't think I was trying to (you know), Who am I kidding this is definitely bad what if this video's get out to the hero's or what if his mom see's this.

He got through the day as his anxiety grew and then suddenly "Izuku Midoriya has gained 1 spin" . What? he thought trying to tuck away his anxiety as he walked home. "would you like to use this new spin, Say yes to confirm" Uhm ok, Yes I guess? He still didn't know what he was doing or what he was hearing but he just went along with it to forget his anxiety. A hologram appears Infront of him with a wheel spinning, It stopped on something named  telekinesis. "Izuku Midoriya has gained telekinesis"  Izuku felt a surge of power run through his entire body. Maybe this is my quirk in action he heard the voice say telekinesis so he tried to pick up a pebble with nothing but his mind, The pebble started to float right before his eye's.

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