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 Love him

      I looked behind me and saw a man in a black hood. It looked like he had shaggy blonde hair, like JJ'S. God I miss him so much I can't stop thinking about him, I love him. I love him. I love him too much.I know it seems bold but I love him and wish I said it sooner when he could hear it. My head hurts too much, it's full of regret. I should've told him. Just a three words. I felt a tear run down my face as I quickly wiped it off in embarrassment. One more hour before L.A. I'm wondering how the pogues are feeling.


     "Hey John B! Let me grab the lighter fuel so we can start the fire!!!" Kie said. " HEY LOOK ITS FROM Y/N! It says, I'm sorry I've had to leave, this place has too many memories and I can't stay. From y/n." Kiara read the note out to everyone and they had tears rolling down their cheeks. "She l-l-left." Pope said standing there still, eyes wide open and blinking their tears away. "Will we find her? Ever?" Sarah said. "I'm not sure." John B replied, his face red with tears.


      The airplane landed and I took another glance at black hoodie guy before I left my seat, grabbed my luggage, and walked out the door. "Y/n!" I heard someone call my name "Y/n!" They called again. I turned around and I saw him. I saw black hoodie guy. He grabbed his hood and then pulled it down. "JJ?!" I got tears in my eyes as I ran through the crowd of people. I ran to him. I jumped up and hugged him. I hugged him so tight like I'm never gonna let go and say bye to him. "I love you."

      I finally said it to him and the weight lifted off my shoulders. "I love you too." He said as he smiled and I kissed him. My hands on his cheeks just holding the kiss with passion and love. I broke the kiss saying, "I thought you didn't make it. Your back killed you." I was actually wondering how he made it. "I woke up my back all sealed and stitched up. The doctor came in but he didn't notice I was alive. They discharged me and I left. I just left and they didn't notice. I left for you. I love you." I've never heard him talk so fast. "I love you too. I love you so much." I replied to him just saying I love you. Again.

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