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     I woke up at 3:00 am to go barf. Then, I saw JJ at the toilet."Heyy! Same reason?" JJ said. "Yep, ugh hangovers." I said gagging "MOVE OUT PRETTY BOY" I shouted pushing him out the way of the toilet. "OK SHORTY!" He said."Cya later." We both said 1 hour later, heading back to our rooms. UGH I like him a lot. That was a weird reason we saw each other but was the longest talk we had. I really like him.

The Party

     So Kie and Sarah are kooks. Nice kooks. They had just invited us to a kook party. The only reason I'm going is cuz there's booze and we are out of that at John B's s due to a couple nights ago. I'm supposed to go to Kie's to find a dress since I never knew I would be doing this fancy shit in Kildare County. "Hey Kie! What dresses do you have?" I said. She then moved out the way and showed me all these dresses. "OMG! These are so slutty!!!" I shouted at her. "It's just what you need to impress JJ!" She exclaimed. "To impress JJ-j what um I um j?!?" "Relax. I see how you look at him. No need to be nervous. You like him I know you do!" Kie said giggling. "Okkkk. I pick the red one!" I said excited. "Ooh sexy one!" Kie said giggling.

  Me and Kie arrived at the party and I was looking around and saw JJ. I walked up to him. "Heyy Jayj!" I said. "Hey cut-shorty!"he said. I knew he was gonna say cutie. "So, wanna get a drink." I suggested and he agreed.

35 minutes later...

    We got SUPER drunk!! Then, we both walked up to John B. I guess JB knew we were drunk because he kept trying to get us to go home. Then, STILL next to JB I was dancing around when I bumped into JJ. We got super close. I could feel his eyes on me and John B's glare. We started getting closer and closer. I went in for the kiss. He kissed back. I could hear John B yelling at us in the background but I didn't care. It went longer, it was passionate. Then, John B split us up and brought us home.

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