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The boys are about 3 hours away from their destination, eagerly anticipating their home for the week. As they arrived at the Airbnb, Felix made a sudden announcement, catching everyone's attention. "We're a bit short on rooms," he said with a grin, "so we'll have to play a little game to decide on our partners." Felix laid out eight cards on the table and began to explain the rules. "Each of us will draw a card with a number on it, and whoever has the same number will be your partner for the trip." Excitement filled the room as each boy eagerly picked up a card and examined the number written on it.

"Hey Jisung, is your number 7?" Chan asked eagerly, scanning the room for his new partner. Jisung nodded with excitement, pulling Chan by the hand as they dashed off to get a head start on the room hunt. Meanwhile, Felix eyed everyone's cards from a distance and inquired, "Who's number 4?" "That would be me," Changbin chimed in, approaching Felix with a grin. "You go pick our room, while I grab the bags from the car," he suggested. Felix nodded in agreement and headed towards the long hallway.

As they sauntered down the hallway, Jisung and Chan buzzed with excitement, discussing all the fun activities they could do together on the trip. Their energy was contagious, and Felix and Changbin couldn't help but get swept up in their excitement. They discussed the best room arrangements, finally settling on a layout that suited their needs. Changbin took charge of carrying all their bags, making sure Felix didn't have to lift a finger.

Once they found their room, Felix and Changbin wasted no time settling in for the adventure that awaited them. Changbin meticulously organized everything while Felix hung up their clothes in the closet. Meanwhile, Jisung and Chan set off to explore the Airbnb, soaking up the sights and sounds of their new surroundings. The group was filled with anticipation for the memories they were about to make.

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"Minnie, are you my partner?" Hyunjin asked Seungmin as he saw him sulking. "Nope Minho is," Seungmin said pouting while walking over to Minho. "Innie that just leaves me and you! Let's go find a room!" Hyunjin said excitedly. "Hey Seungmin, how's life going?" Minho sarcastically asked. "Terrible because now I have to wake up to your face every day for a week," Seungmin replied as he walked to the car to get their bags. As they unloaded their luggage out of the car, Seungmin couldn't help but feel a sense of dread about spending the next week with Minho's constant teasing.


"Pick up 8." Felix grinning at Chan. "Pick up 12," Chan said grinning back. Felix and Chan were playing Uno while Jisung was spectating over them. "You guys, I'm so bored right now!" Jisung exclaimed, hoping to get some suggestions. Felix and Chan both nodded in agreement, feeling the same way. Suddenly, Chan had an idea, "Let's go check out the park nearby, I've heard they have food trucks there as well," he suggested as he got up from his seat.

The trio started walking towards the park, feeling the warm breeze on their faces and the sun on their skin. As they neared the park, the tantalizing aroma of the food trucks wafted through the air, making their stomachs growl in anticipation. "I don't know if it's just me being hungry, but that smell is driving me crazy," Jisung remarked, picking up the pace as they approached the park. Finally, they reached the park, and they could see a variety of food trucks lined up, offering different types of cuisines. The sight of the colorful food trucks and the sound of happy chatter made them forget all about their boredom.

Short kids

What do y'all want to eat

Pizza sounds good to me!

I want boba tea.

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