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As I looked around the room, my eyes landed on a very specific person. 'He looked familiar' I thought, he was wearing glasses and a book on his hand 'he doesn't only look familiar but very familiar'.

We stared at each other for a couple of seconds before I decided to look away and my eyes landed at Dom the bandaid boy that I met last night.

"Any familiar face chae-in?" The teacher asked me which only made me shake my head in denial.
"Well hope you can make some friends here,students be nice to her okay" he said which made the students nod .

"Uhm..sir,where should I sit? " I asked him which made him look around the room to find a vacant desk.

"You can sit there"he said pointing at the desk behind the boy with glasses who's with the blonde girl. I nodded and made my way to my desk. As I sat on my desk I noticed my desk mate sleeping and a drool on her.

"Okay for this semester you will be learning-" the noise is suddenly gone as I put on my earphones,as the teacher started the lesson my desk mate suddenly woke up. 505 by artic monkeys was playing in my earphones with the maximum volume so that I cant hear any of the teacher said.

I mean don't get me wrong I don't like studying but I'm naturally smart, suddenly my thoughts are interrupted  as I see a pen roll from the front. I picked it up and realized that the pen belonged to the student that sat in front of me.

I tapped his shoulder to get his attention, which didn't work since he was very focused on the teacher who's teaching about something.

As I got impatient I decided to move closer to him and blow his ear. It made him turn his head to me very fast with his ear very red "what's wrong with you?" He said in a serious tone, which made me giggle by his reaction.

He looked at me confused while the blonde looked at me in annoyances, "here,you dropped your pen" I said handing him the pen, he only nodded still a little bit confused.

'He reminded me of someone' I thought since my childhood friend also got red when blowing to their ear, i did it a lot back then when I wanted to tease him or get his attention.


Finally LUNCH, I was really I got up,the bandaid boy approached me along with his friends "chae-in, these are my friends.wanna join us for lunch" he said to me "uncle asked me to look after yo-" he was suddenly cut off by a boy with a auburn-colored hair "hello, I'm minu" he said winking at him when suddenly a girl with a short hair hit him in the back of his head.

"Stop making her uncomfortable,you idiot"the girl said which made me chuckle. "Hello I'm Yuna, sorry about my brother minu and this is mia" she said pointing at the girl with short hair and glasses.

I only looked at them and  nodded "this is Shelly and june' Yuna said pointing at the blonde girl and with a boy, I smiled at them but the blonde girl didn't return the favor and only looked away, "and that boy is jay"she said pointing at the boy who's reading a book in the corner.

I only nodded and I decided to walk away when suddenly Shelly grabbed my arm, I looked at her, "what are you doing" I said raising my eyebrows "well,aren't you going to introduce yourself?" She said in a rude tone.

"No" I said and walked away.

The group of friends looked at me while the blonde was flaming in anger. I decided to eat my lunch on the rooftop since it's quieter there than the  cafeteria. As I ate my food sat on the edge of the rooftop,music playing in my earphones  so I decided to stand up and feel the fresh air.

Not noticing  the group of friends that entered the rooftop,suddenly I was pulled back by a guy making me land on his body. I removed my earphones to look at him. "Jay?"  Said, we stared at each other but suddenly I noticed the presence of the other students that were staring at us. I stood up and looked at them, jay also stood up making Shelly run to him and checking him if he was okay.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?" Dom asked in a serious tone '"no" I said in a very nonchalant tone.

"Jay, have we met before?" I asked him which made him look at me "ye-' he was about to answer when suddenly my phone rang.

I excuse myself to answer the phone it was Owen. "Why did you call?" I asked him '' I have something to tell you'' he said which made me curious '' what is it ? '' ''the panthers are looking for you''
He said I a serious voice.

''Do you owe them money?'' he asked me "of course not, and I don't know why they're looking for me ''

''I gotta go, I'll talk to you later'' Owen said before hanging up the call. That was weird I thought, as I made my way to the bathroom I suddenly bumped into someone.

''sorry'' I said, I was about to walk away when suddenly he grabbed my wrist preventing me to go.

''Chen..can we talk" he said I turned to look at him ''sure,jay''..



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