Cindy and William- Part 2

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(Video Isn't mine- Found on YouTube. It just made me think of Cindy and William.)


William's pov-

I bought some things to give to Cindy, I tried to find the things I was told she likes. When I went to get back In my car, she was on the other sid wolf the street.

I drove around towards the house, but let her get there first, since It would be weird for me to be there first. So I parked down the block and put all of the gifts In a bag. It would be nice If someone did this for me. Guys deserve presents too.

Knocking on the door I waited for her to open It. She looked kind of tired. I handed her the bag and saw how happy she was with all of the gifts. I felt like smiling and blushing but I didn't want her to see. But I should let my emotions show more. Women like that right?

She let me stay and watch her favorite show with her. We shared some popcorn and she wrapped up In the fuzzy blanket I got her. Eventually she fell asleep, leaning against the couches side. She was still In her day clothes, didn't look all that comfortable. So I guess she was pretty tired. I always hated sleeping In "day clothes" or work clothes. Getting home and taking off my shoes, tight clothes and...belt.

I shook the thought out of my head, watching the tv. But I couldn't help myself from looking over at her. Her face was pressed Into the couch, snuggled up In the blanket.
I kicked off my shoes, laid back on the couch and continued to watch the show. Cindy moved around In her sleep and I felt myself getting tired just looking at her.

As she moved closer I adjusted her body to face towards me. I placed her head on my leg and covered her with the blanket. Playing with her hair and getting sleepy. I really feel like cuddling with her right now.


Cindy's pov-

My eyes opened and I looked around the living room. It was dark now and something different was playing on the tv. As I yawned and stretched I noticed where I was laying. While I was asleep on the couch I somehow was on the other side now. Using William's leg as a pillow...I was confused and worried, was he awake? Did he notice!?

Looking up at him I realized that he was fast asleep. Leaning back against the couch, chest rising slowly with every breath. Oh good, he didn't know.

I got up and headed to the kitchen for some water. Catching the time on the stoves clock. 10:57 pm. What!? We were asleep that long on the couch...together!?

I'll have to wake him up and tell him to go home. He can't stay here...or can he? No. Uh. I'll just get ready for bed then wake him up.


After I did my night routine I went back downstairs to wake up William and tell him to go home. Since I fell asleep and sleep for a few hours, I should probably wait awhile before I go to sleep.

William was still In the same place, fast asleep. I almost felt bad to wake him up. Maybe I should just leave him?

I lightly shook him, then a little rougher until he started to wake up. "William. Wake up."

He groaned as he stretched "Hmm?" He rubbed his eyes then looked at me. "What time Is It?"

"It's late and time for you to go home." I said. It felt like I was saying It to a little kid. That's kind of funny. Or I'm just tired.

"Oh. Right." He said checking his phone for the time and rubbing his eyes again as he sat up. He stared back up at me. "Hm."


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