chapter 3

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Her mom left the room , still looking confused and worried. Once she was gone, Lily buried her face in the pillow, sobbing uncontrollably. She felt dirty and used, like something inside her had been taken away. She knew she had to talk to someone about what happened, but she couldn't bring herself to tell her mom the truth. Not yet. Maybe never.

She lay in bed for hours, unable to sleep, her mind replaying the events of the night. The lollipop, the sex toy, his voice... It was all so vivid, so real. She wanted to forget, to pretend it had been a nightmare, but she knew better. The feelings of guilt and shame only grew stronger as the hours passed, weighing down on her like a lead blanket.

Finally, she mustered the courage to get up and face the day. Her mom was already gone, off to work early as usual. Lily took a quick shower, trying to wash away the memories and the sticky residue left behind by the lollipop and the sex toy. She dressed in her favorite hoodie and jeans, hoping to feel a little more like herself. But no matter what she did, she couldn't shake the feeling that something fundamental had changed inside her.

She decided to go for a walk, to clear her head and get some fresh air. The crisp autumn breeze felt good against her skin, and the leaves crunched beneath her feet as she wandered aimlessly through the neighborhood. She tried to focus on the beauty of the season, the vibrant colors of the leaves and the chilly air, but her mind kept drifting back to the events of the night.

As she walked, she found herself drawn to a nearby park. The grass was dotted with fallen leaves, and a group of children were playing tag on the swings. They seemed so carefree, so innocent. Lily envied them for a moment, wishing she could go back to being that girl. But she knew she couldn't. Not anymore.

She sat down on a bench, watching the children laugh and shout, their faces flushed with excitement and the cold. A flock of geese honked overhead, flying south for the winter. The sound was somehow reassuring, a reminder that even in the midst of darkness, there was still beauty and life to be found.

Lily sighed, rubbing her eyes wearily. She felt like she was standing on the edge of a cliff, teetering back and forth between two worlds. One where she could be a normal teenage girl, enjoying her life and making plans for the future. And another where she was trapped in this nightmare, haunted by the memories of what had happened and the fear of what might come next.

As she sat there, lost in thought, she felt a presence behind her. She turned slowly, her heart pounding in her chest. There he was, the muscular man in the gray sweatpants and black hoodie. His eyes were fixed on her, and she couldn't help but feel a shiver of fear and anticipation run down her spine. He didn't say a word, but somehow she knew that he understood what she was going through.

She couldn't explain why, but something about him made her feel safe. He seemed to emanate an aura of calm strength, as if he were a guardian angel sent to watch over her. As their eyes met, she felt a strange connection forming between them, as if they shared some secret understanding that went beyond words.

Lily tentatively stood up, her legs shaking beneath her. As she looked into the man's eyes, she found herself wanting to trust him, to believe that he was here to help her. "My name's Lily," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of the distant traffic. "What's your name?" She asked
He just turn an leaves and walk away without a word. Lily was a little surprise but she followed him anyway. They walked for what seem like hours, through the park and into the city. Lily was fascinate by the way he move, so confident and in control of his body. She wondered if he was a dancer or something like that.

As they walk, Lily felt more and more comfortable with him. She found herself telling him everything that had happen, every single detail, and he just listen without judgment. He never interrupted her or try to touch her in a way that make her feel uncomfortable. It was like he was her confidant, her friend. "Stay away from me woman" he demanded her, "I'm not the one you want to be around with!"

Lily looked at him, confused. "But you're the one who found me! You're the one who understands!" She protested, tears welling up in her eyes. He sighed, "again stay away from me" he yelled at her and walked away. Lily felt like an idiot, she knew she shouldn't have gotten attached to him so quickly. But he was the only one who seemed to care, the only one who wasn't trying to hurt her.
she walk back to her apartment. The night was cold and lonely, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She hurried inside, locking the door behind her and throwing off her shoes. As she climbed into bed, she couldn't help but wonder if he was really as dangerous as he made himself out to be.

Lily tossed and turned, unable to sleep. Her mind kept drifting back to the man in the gray sweatpants and black hoodie. She didn't know why she trusted him, why she felt so drawn to him. "Seems like someone's having fun cheating" he whispered from the darkness, startling her awake. He was standing at the foot of her bed, a smirk playing on his lips.

She sat up, her heart racing. "What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice trembling. He shrugged nonchalantly. "I thought you could use some company. And who knows? Maybe you could teach me a thing or two about dancing."

Lily looked at him skeptically. "You don't really seem like the type to be interested in dance." He chuckled. "You'd be surprised. Besides, I've always been more of a fan from the outside, you know? Watching, appreciating." There was a sudden flicker of something in his eyes, a hint of vulnerability that she hadn't expected. She felt a strange stirring in her chest, a mixture of pity and curiosity. " why don't you dance for daddy baby girl " He asked her, taking a step closer.

Her heart raced, but something inside her urged her on. She stood up, slowly and carefully, making sure not to provoke him. She began to move, her body swaying to an invisible beat. It felt strange, almost foreign, to dance without music, but she found that she could sense the rhythm in his movements, the way he shifted his weight from foot to foot. He watched her intently, his expression unreadable. "Show me what your capable of "he whispered.

Lily closed her eyes, trying to focus on the feel of her body and the memories of her dance classes. She breathed deeply, willing her nerves to disappear. As she began to move more confidently, she could sense him watching her intently, his gaze burning into her skin. The room seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them in this strange, intimate dance.

She felt the vibrations from the toy against her skin, and she let it guide her movements. With each pulse, she became more daring, more sensual. She spun and twirled, her body a blur of motion and desire. She could feel his arousal growing, his hips starting to sway in time with hers. It was as if they were dancing together, not against each other.

The room seemed to fade away, replaced by the heat of their bodies and the rush of blood in her veins. She lost herself in the sensation, in the feeling of being wanted and desired. She knew that she was risking everything by being here, by trusting him, but she couldn't help but surrender to the moment. He giggles, "good girl" he said in a deep husky voice.

Her movements grew more fluid and confident, her body responding to the vibrations of the toy like an extension of her own flesh. She closed her eyes, letting her other senses take over, focusing on the sound of his breathing, the way his muscles tensed and relaxed with each movement. The air between them crackled with an electricity that seemed to hum through her entire being. "sweetheart Come ride my face" he demanded , his voice rough and urgent.

She hesitated for a moment, her heart racing as she considered his request. But something inside her, a mixture of curiosity and daring, urged her on. She knelt down in front of him, her hands shaking as she reached for the toy. It was cool and smooth against her skin, the vibrations thrumming through her fingertips as she gripped it tightly. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come.

She placed the tip of the vibrator against his lips, watching as his tongue darted out to taste it. His eyes met hers, burning with desire, and she could feel the heat emanating from his body. Slowly, carefully, she guided the toy into his mouth, feeling the muscles of his throat move as he took it deeper. He closed his eyes, moaning around the vibrator, his hands gripping her hips possessively.

Author note:
Hey pookies hope you enjoy I work so hard on it make sure to vote and comment😁😊it'll make my day

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