Sleeping arrangements

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Hi there! I don't own Naruto! (T ^ T) Sad I know. Don't forget to comment, vote, fan, and eat cookies!!
Natsumi's POV
After meeting all of my uncles I sat down next to Uncle Orochimaru.

"Hello Natssumi."

I looked up at Orochimaru. "Hi uncle Orochimaru!" I smiled. He chuckled.

I sat there just thinking about random things, like why the sky was blue, or if birds comment suicide on accident when they get tired and are thousands of feet in the air. I yawned and leaned on Orochimaru. He tensed but didn't do anything. I yawned again but sneezed at the end of the yawn.

Mom saw me yawn, "You tired Natsumi?"

I shook my head, "No I'm not *Yawn* tired."

Everyone chuckled.

Uncle Kisame spoke, "Sure kid."

I yawned again, "I'm tired."

Everyone sweatdropped, "But you just said.."

Mom smiled, "We need to make sleeping arrangements for a few days, because we'll need to get started on making a room for you. So you can sleep with me and Pein."

Everyone disagreed, Hidan spoke over everyone, "She can't sleep with you guys! Who knows what you guys do at night!"

"Yea! We all hear you moaning and groaning all the time!"

Mom blushed but got mad, "Well she can't sleep with you Hidan cause you'd sacrifice her to your stupid god!"

"You wanna go bitch!?!"

Orochimaru broke in, "Sshe can sssleep with me."

Mom (along with everyone else) disagreed, "No cause you're a pedophile."

Everyone nodded, "Yep."

Orochimaru hissed at then before walking away down a dark hallway. I tilted my head to the side, "What's a peophil?"

Sasori answered in monotone, "Old man who rapes little kids."

The whole room was silent. Konan coughed, "Let's get back to the subject."

Everyone besides Pein, Sasori, and Zetsu started screaming at eachother.

"Shut up asshole, I'm going to kill you!!"

"Tobi is a good boy!!!"

"Hey fishy! Shut the fuck up!"

I sighed and stood up on the coffee table they had. "Be quiet!!!" Everyone glanced at me before yelling at each other again. A irk mark grew on my head. "SHUT UP!!!!"
Dad smirked as everyone stood up and looked at me.

"I'm gonna sleep with...Hmm this is hard, who should I sleep with..." I grabbed my tail and played with it. "I'm sleeping with daddy. Mommy you sleep in your own room, I don't want you to hog daddy." Everyone snickered and Konan blushed.

I gave my new family hugs and kisses. "Night night, love you!"

"Night kid."

"Good night Brat."

"Tobi says good night!!"

"Night Bit- Ahh! Ouch! Night Natsumi."

"Night Hon."


I smiled and watched as they all walked down a dark hallway talking to each other. I squealed as I was lifted in to the air and into daddy's arms. Daddy chuckled and walked down another hallway.

"Hey dad, just how many hallways are there?"

"A lot."

"Will I ever walk down all of them?"

"Maybe you can start exploring after a goodnights rest, what do you say?"

"Only if you come with me daddy!"


We walked into a room. I wouldn't call it a room because all there was a desk and papers. "Um... Daddy?"


"Are we sleeping in your office? Because if we are I'm sleeping on the chair... You can sleep on the desk."

He sweatdropped, "Sumi, we aren't sleeping here. We are sleeping in here." He pushed up a door I didn't see until now.

"Oh wow, it's a secret room!"

Inside the room there was a large bed, a desk (with a large mountain of paper), a drawer that kept his clothes, and a door that lead to the bathroom. Daddy set me down and went to the drawer. I looked around and saw a small futon. I laid down on it and curled up into a ball.

Dad looked over at me. "What are you doing? Your sleeping on the bed with me. Not on a futon."

I was confused. "But I'm a monster. Monsters sleep on the ground. I'm lucky to just have this futon. I can't poss-"

He picked me up and placed me on his bed, "You're not a monster. You're sleeping on the bed with me tonight." I frowned, but didn't say anything. He hummed as he got setting out of his drawer. My backpack! He held it out to me, "I believe this is yours."

I smiled and took it. I opened it and took out Onyx my cat. Daddy's eyes widen from shock, "Wha- but how?"

I giggled, "Onyx is my cat and she's very special." Purred and rubbed her head on my cheek. I gently laud her down on the bed and pulled out my pj's. "Is it okay if she sleeps with us?"

He sighed, "It's okay."

I smiled and started changing. Daddy turned around and started looking for his own clothes. "You hear that onyx? We get to sleep on a bed tonight! Isn't it exciting?!?!" She meowed and jumped around on the bed.

Daddy smiled (just a little) and ruffled my hair, "Come on let's go to bed."

He climbed on and laid down next to me pulling me closer so that I was snuggled into his side. I smiled and cuddled closer, and onyx jumped on Daddy's stomach laying there.

"Nite daddy."


"... I love you daddy." I fiddled with my fingers nervously. "Sorry I-"

"I love you too, my little angel."

I smiled and closed my eyes.

I've finally found the place where I belong... and I am very happy.

I'll show you a sweetdream... Next night

Sorry it took forever!!! I had no wifi!!!

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