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Hey guys! Sorry I forgot to put in that there will be cursing, and bad language in this story! Yay!!! Anywhoo moving on. Bold is black Zetsu talking and Bold and Italics is white Zetsu talking. And just Italics are the Pov's thoughts.
Natsumi's pov
I hid behind my new mom and dad, when we walked into what looked like a living room.

"Shut up I'm trying to watch tv!"

"No one cares about your stupid fu*king fish friends Kisame!"

"Ahhh Tobi's ears!!!"

"Shut up brat."



"We should just eat them. We can't."

I peeked a look at them from behind Mom, and giggled because they were funny. Everyone stopped doing what they were doing and looked at me. My eyes widened, and I hid behind Konan again.

"Natsumi will be staying with us from here on out. You will treat her nicely or else..." Everyone shivered at the threading tone in Pein's voice. "Natsumi, come on out. Don't be shy."

I hope they won't hurt me.
I took a deep breath and walked into their view, "Hi, I'm Natsumi. It's very nice to meet you." I bowed, and waited awhile before standing up straight again.

"I've got things to do, but play nice and introduce yourselves." Pein ruffled my hair before he disappeared. I frowned.

Konan must've noticed me frowning because she spoke up, "Don't worry Natsumi, he'll be back."

I nodded and looked back that the 8 men. The orange mask man clapped his hands, "Yay!! A new friend!!" He ran and stopped in front of me, "Tobi is sorry for tackling you!!! Tobi swears he's a good boy!!"

I smiled, "It's okay!"

Tobi clapped again and ran around the living room screaming, "New girl likes Tobi!!"

I walked over to the blue shark man, that I whacked with my staff not to long ago. He smiled, "Sup kid."
I grinned.

"Hehe sorry I hit you with my staff..."


I smiled, "Sorry I hurt Kisame."

He chuckled, "You do have one hell of a swing."


I moved on to the next male. He red hair and was making something out of wood. "Whatcha making?"

"It's a puppet brat." He didn't spare me a glance, just kept working on his puppet.

"I'm Natsumi. What's your name?"

"The name's Sasori brat."

I growled, "My name is Natsumi, not brat."

He chuckled, "Fine, Natsumi."

For the first time since I started talking to him, He finally looked up from his puppet to look at me. Sasori's eyes were a chocolate brown color, they reminded me of something I just couldn't put my finger on it. He looked back down at his puppet.

"I hope in the near future that you'll make me a puppet. I like them."

I saw him stop working for a moment, but not a second later he continued as if he didn't hear me. I smiled and moved onto the male was sitting beside Sasori.

He was very pale, and had snake-like eyes. He watched me with curious eyes as I made my way from Sasori to him.

"Hello." I played with a hands while he stared at me.

"Hello, Natsssumi."

I smiled, "You know my name."

"Yesss, I overheard you talking to Sassori."

I giggled, "You sound like a snake hissing when you say your S's."

He chuckled, and licked his lips, "I'm sure we'll get along fine, Natsumi." He grabbed my hand and kissed it, "I'm Orochimaru."

I smiled and nodded, "I hope so, and it's very nice to meet you!"

I went up to the next man. He had tan skin and a black face mask, but the thing that stood out most was the pile of money next to him. "Woah, that's a lot of money." The man put the money neatly in a box. "Do you like money?"

He looked up at me, "I love money."

"Me too!" I stuck my hand out, "Natsumi."

"Names Kakazu." He shook my hand and went back to counting his money.

I shrugged and moved on. The next man, was both black and white. He looked a bit scary and he was talking about eating people. I hesitantly walked up to him, "Hi, I'm Natsumi."

"Can we eat her?"

"No, didn't you hear leader-sama."

I tilted my head, "Why are you talking to yourself?"

"We're not talking to yourselves. We're talking to each other."

I was confused at first but then realized. He wasn't just one person, he was two. One black and one white. I smiled, "Oh I get it. But why do you want to eat us? Are you hungry?"

"We eat human flesh."

My eyes widened, "Oh, b-but y-you won't eat m-me? R-right?"

"Very tempting, But no. We can't eat any members or anyone in the base."

Whew! Thank Kami!

"Oh I see! It's a pleasure meeting you...."

"Our names is Zetsu."

"Pleasure meeting you Zetsu!"

"Pleasures all ours Natsumi."

I smiled, and moved on. The last male had white slicked-back hair, and pink eyes. I ran to him and stood in front of him, "Hi! I'm Natsumi!"

He stared down at me, "So your the new Bitch."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What's a bit-" I stopped at mid-sentence because I felt an evil presence behind me.

"Hidan!!!" I stepped to the side just in time not to get squished by mom. I watched with wide eyes as she kicked him on his back and stepped on his head.

"Ahh! Okay I'm sorry!"

"That's not gonna cut it!!"

I smiled, at least I got to know his name.

I walked to the middle of the room, "Excuse me." Everyone looked over at me. "I've decided... All of you are my uncles!"

"Yay! Tobi likes that idea!"

"Sure kid."


"I'll play along Nassumi."



"Whatever bit-" Konan glared at him. "Natsumi."

I smiled, It's like one big happy family.


Hey sorry it was short! And sorry it took a while 😅

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