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~ Aphrodite Sundara Galanis ~

Who the fuck are you? Who sent you here? What do you want from me? Did Mj put you up to this? Oh, you're here to hear about my story? There's not much to tell. What I will say is that the story you want to hear about happened a very long time ago. I'm 34 now with two sexy ass wives and three snotty nose children. I'm Aphrodite by the way, but you can call me Uno or Dite. Ag works too. Alright I'm done talking to you. Shut up and listen to the story you're dying to hear about.


Being the child of well known, highly respected, and dangerous people has never been easy. My parents, Apollo and Charlene Galanis, were notorious gang leaders- mafia bosses, if you will.

They met after a drug smuggling operation went wrong. My dad was loading off a shipment of Cocain when one of the guys he was working with pulled a gun out on him and demanded to have everything my father had. When Apollo refused the man cocked the gun and was ready to pull the trigger. Before the man could even get the chance to squeeze the trigger, my mom came knocked the guy out.

My dad was obviously confused until my mom explained everything to him. She was a drug addict at the time and my dad's gang supplied her with the drugs she wanted. She's was a beautiful woman and my dad fell in love immediately after they held eye contact. The ironic thing about their meeting was that my dad, who was a drug dealer, took my mom and helped her become sober. A few months after their meeting my dad asked her to be his girlfriend, and two years after that they got married and then had me and my twin brother, Artemis.

You're not here to see the story of my parents, I know. Just shut up and listen.

Me and Artemis were raised surrounded by violence. We started self defense training when we were nine years old and that eventually turned into learning how to use a gun, get away with murder, and properly be able to run a gang without any issues. When we turned sixteen we joined the gang.

I met my girlfriend Million on a drug run. She was standing on the corner arguing with some lady who turned out to be her mother. I noticed her first and I immediately knew she was going to be mine. We crossed paths again and I finally had the balls to say something to her.

At first I was scared because of who I was, but she accepted me for that. She didn't care that my parents were dangerous people and I too was one. A few months after I asked her to be my girlfriend she joined the gang. It was rough at first for her but she eventually got used to it. Now we're linked at the hip. Dite don't go anywhere without Millie, and Millie doesn't go anywhere without Dite. Unless it's necessary.

Though being in a relationship is hard on its own, working with the person you're in the relationship with is a lot harder.

We're gang members so you know it's a helluva lot harder.

However, as long as there's good communication and trust, the whole gang member relationship thing is a bit easier. Millie and I learned that the hard way.

We learned ignoring a problem isn't going to make it go away.

After a meeting my father called, we found out we had some business to take care of. There was a problem with one of our buyers so me, Millie, and Rowan were being sent to solve said problem.

I'm there to scare the guy, Rowan's the look out, and Million is the voice. Millie has a voice on her and she's good with her words. Artemis didn't go because he has training and Gabriel didn't go because he's the one training Artemis.

Those two definitely have something going on I know gay when I see it. I look in the mirror everyday.

I never say anything because I honestly don't give a fuck, but I'm on to them. Millie knows too. Her and Gabriel are really close. I was jealous of their relationship at first, but then I made her mine and realized she doesn't like the male species.

Honestly life is great.

For now.

"Aphrodite, before the three of you leave, your mother wants to talk to you." Father spoke.

"About what?" I questioned.

"Do I look like your mother to you? Is my name Charlene or Apollo?"

"You'd make a wonderful Charlene, kind sir." I shrugged.

"Go to your mother please." He sighed, "Rowan, stay here for a second per favore."

"What am I supposed to do?" Million asked.

"Something that isn't standing in my office bothering me with your presence."

"You know you love me, Polly." Millie giggled, following me out.

They have a good relationship, I swear. It's just that Million has no self control and no filter. And dad is a very serious person. He doesn't joke around a lot, but he's accepted Million for who she is. They just like to pretend they hate each other.

"Whoever gave you that information is a liar!" He called.

Million ended up going back to our room whilst she waited for Rowan and I got done with our meetings.

Mom wanted to make sure I knew exactly what I was supposed to be doing. She's really specific about how things like this need to go. She has a plan and it works every time.

She's the true definition of  "mother knows best".


"I'm giving you five seconds to tell me where he took the money, Arthur." Millie hissed, pointing the CZ-75 at the man.

"I don't know!" He cried, "He didn't give me information on it. I don't even actually work for him."

"You're running out of time, Mr. Cabroni." I stared down at him.

"Please! I'll do anything you want." He sobbed.

"The only thing we want you to do is tell us where the bastard is hiding our money." Million spoke.

"I'm telling you I don't know!"

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and left hooked his head again. I was wearing my rings so every time he took a blow the rings would cut him causing blood to ooze from his head.

I delivered a couple more punches. And only stopped when I heard him yell "help me".

Millie, Rowan, and I turned our heads to the direction he was yelling at and saw a car stopped at a light.

The windows were lightly tinted so we were still able to see who was driving. A blonde girl. She looked mortified. It was obvious she saw what was going on, but I knew she couldn't see our faces considering the only light available was the traffic light and her headlights.

Either way we weren't supposed to be seen at all. Once my parents find out they're going to lose their shit. The woman immediately pulled off when the light turned green.

Millie, Rowan, and I looked at each other and said "we're fucked." In unison.

1215 words

A/n: Before I gave Dite the floor to introduce herself and tell the beginning of her story I told her not to be mean and aggressive to you guys but she doesn't listen to me. I'll remind her one more time before you hear her point of view again but I can't guarantee she'll do it. And believe it or not Millie's worst. I don't know how or why Karina deals with them...

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