Extermination Day

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Hazbin Hotel

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Hazbin Hotel

In Heaven Naruto was 18 years old as he was getting prepared for extermination day and he was putting on the exorcists uniform. He had blond hair and beautiful blue eyes and soft tan skin and adorable whisker like birth marks on his cheeks and a golden halo over his head and beautiful pure white wings. He was feminine looking and was often mistaken as a girl as well. Something that often happened when he was alive too.

When he was alive his life was a living nightmare he was a ninja of the hidden leaf village and had graduated at the age of 12 he was also the nine tailed fox jinchuriki who was sealed away inside of him since he was a baby which was by his own father Minato Namikaze who did it to save the entire village needless to say Naruto had a lot to get off his chest when he first walked through the gates of Heaven. But after graduating from the academy and joining squad seven and etc his life had gotten better, until he reached 13 and his teammate Sasuke left to join a traitor so Naruto and some of his friends were sent to go after him however when Naruto finally got to Sasuke he wasn't the same person.

He had even went as far as to kill him during their fight afterwards Naruto woke up in Heaven at the gates, and he had become an Angel and was reunited with his parents who had died when he was a baby which made him extremely happy and he tried to enjoy his new life with his parents in the afterlife.

However he quickly learned that it felt too peaceful and he was antsy, he didn't know how to hold still or anything. He also felt bored with not being able to do missions anymore as a ninja so one day while running some errands for his parents he came across some angels trying to recruit some more angels to the exorcists army. When Naruto saw that he automatically signed up without even knowing what it truly was or what it meant.

Thinking back on it....Naruto wished he could back in time and stopped himself from joining them since he knows what they do once a year they go down to Hell and kill human souls something that made his stomach twist in knots, the reason is because Naruto didn't like the idea of doing this to stop the overpopulation of Hell to prevent the demons from uprising something that Naruto noticed that demons in Hell weren't interested in doing at all.

Naruto sighs as he wished he had Kurama to talk to as he had finished putting on his uniform when he felt his ass getting slapped making him jump as his face turns a bright red and his eye twitch. Of course there was one other reason he wished he didn't join the exorcists and that was because of his boss and leader of the exorcists Adam aka the first man on earth, ever since he joined Adam has been sexually harassing him he goes from slapping his ass to making lewd comments to many other things as well. He honestly wondered how this man even got into Heaven at all. "Hey there sexy boy, you ready to exterminate those fucking demons in Hell?" He asked him while checking him out looking up and down at him licking his teeth. "Fuck you look hot." He says to him.

That comment made Naruto shiver, he was gay but a guy like Adam who was only interested in his body didn't interest him one bit and then I made feel sick too not to mention Naruto was sure Adam was stalking him lately too but Naruto wasn't sure really plus he knew no one would believe him if he said anything so he kept it to himself although his friend Vaggie who was also an exorcist like him knew about it and had been walking him after training and boot camp every day which made him grateful to her. Today is supposed to be his first extermination as Naruto was a private and newbie.

"Yes sir, and must you slap my ass?" Naruto asked him in an irritated tone. "Fuck no wonder why his first wife left him." Naruto says to himself in an irritated tone as he grabs his mask and puts it on. That struck a nerve in his boss but he brushed it off. "Yeah well....I uh...I...shut up!"
He says to him angrily and then marched off like he was throwing a tantrum.

"What a baby." Naruto says rolling his eyes underneath his mask as he grabs his angelic spear and goes outside where the other exorcists angels are as Naruto stands next to Vaggie. The portal then opens and Naruto flies through it with the other angels and begins to kill demons left to right, Naruto felt the stinging of guilt over what they are doing as he knew this wasn't right.

He then spots two demons running into an alleyway and he flies after them and corners them but to his shock and surprise the demons were children....Hellborns. They were crying and shaking as Naruto takes his mask off and stares at them. "What am I doing? This is...this is...wrong...they aren't just demons...they are human souls." Naruto thinks to himself and shakes his head and stares at the kids. "Go run now quickly." Naruto whispers to them and motions to the left where there was an exit allowing them to escape. Suddenly after the two demon children escaped Naruto had screamed in pain as his right eye was ripped cut out of it's socket.

Naruto screams and holds his now empty socket in pain as he bleeds golden blood. He looks up with his remaining eye and sees Lute who looked ready to cut off his wings as well when suddenly Adam stopped her as Naruto's back was now against the wall behind him as he glares at Adam and Lute as Adam smirks at him. "Well looks like you're in deep shit here." He chuckled with a smug smirk on his face. "I can help you, only if you become my plaything or you can have you wings rip off and you can rot here with these fuckers.....what's it gonna be beautiful?" He asked him with a smirk on his face and grabs his face forcing him to look at him making Naruto look at him with disgust and anger.

He then spits at him his spit hitting him in the face. "You're sick in the head to think I'd ever accept that deal, I rather be dead than ever be yours!" Naruto yells at him in defiance making Adam scowl he then turns to Lute and nods his head and the next thing Naruto knows his wings were ripped off his back making him scream in pain as more blood comes out of his body as he sees Adam and Lute walking away.

Naruto crawls further down the alleyway until he collapsed near a brick wall as everything went black before he does though he was sure he heard humming and footsteps walking towards him.

Alastor was humming a small tune from a popular song he used to listen to a lot from his time, as he was taking a stroll right after the extermination was over enjoying the sights of the dead demons and gore all around when he spotted something in an alleyway angel blood and lots of it he then sees someone laying down as he felt curious so he goes to check it out and found a badly injured exorcist angel with his wings gone and his right eye gone as well.

Alastor tilts his head a bit his grin never leaving his face he could tell the angel was breathing still and was alive as well. He then picks the angel up gently and carried him back to his home with Naruto having no idea what was happening and that the demon who had decided to save him, was the infamous Radio Demon.

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