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Jungkook POV

A few weeks passed, and once again, I found myself disconnected from Lisa. Regret gnawed at me for not asking for her number, leaving me to ponder the missed opportunity. The prospect of seeing her again seemed uncertain, with the only possibility being next year's reunion, which held no guarantees of her attendance. Shaking off my thoughts, I decided to distract myself by heading out for some grocery shopping, my supplies running low.

As I perused the aisles, I caught sight of a familiar figure in the kids' section. My heart skipped a beat as I realized it was none other than Lisa. Pinching myself to ensure I wasn't dreaming, I cautiously approached her, each step filled with anticipation.

"Sunbae," I greeted her with a bright smile.

"Hey, Jeon. Shopping?" she replied, returning my smile.

"Yeah, sunbae. Running low on groceries," I replied, scratching my neck awkwardly.

"Ah, I see."

As we stood there, a comfortable silence settled between us, punctuated only by the faint hum of the store's background music. I found myself struggling to find the right words to say, my mind racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness at the unexpected reunion.

"So, uh, how have you been?" I finally managed to ask, hoping to break the silence.

Lisa's smile softened, her eyes reflecting a warmth that eased my nerves. "It's been... okay, I guess. Just dealing with some stuff," she said, her tone tinged with a hint of uncertainty.
As she replied she started tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Ah, yeah, I get that," I nodded, trying to appear casual despite the butterflies in my stomach. "How about you? How's everything been?"
A flicker of hesitation crossed Lisa's expression before she spoke again.

I wanted to ask her more, to delve deeper into what was bothering her, but the words caught in my throat. Instead, I offered a sympathetic smile. "Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here," I said, hoping to convey my sincerity.

"Thanks, Jeon. I appreciate that," Lisa replied, her smile widening slightly. "Hey, do you want to grab a coffee or something? Later sometime? We could catch up properly."

The invitation took me by surprise, but I couldn't help the surge of excitement that welled up within me. "Yeah, sure! I'd love to," I said eagerly, trying to contain my enthusiasm.

As we stood at the checkout counter, Lisa was busy organizing her items and handing her card to the cashier for payment. I noticed she had a lot of baby items in her purchases, prompting me to wonder about the reason behind it. Perhaps they were for her friends or relatives expecting a baby.

However, to our surprise, her card was declined.

"Sorry, ma'am. Your card was declined," the cashier informed her gently, returning the card.

Lisa looked puzzled. "That's not possible. Could you try running it again, please?" she asked politely, but even after another attempt, her card still didn't go through.

As Lisa rummaged through her bag for another card or cash, I stepped in.

"It's okay. I'll cover it," I offered, handing my card to the cashier.

Lisa's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she looked at me, surprise evident in her eyes. I resisted the urge to pinch her cheeks at the sight of her innocent expression.

"Jeon, it's okay. I can-" she began, but I cut her off.

"Sunbae, it's fine," I insisted, smiling softly. Lisa attempted to protest again, but I interrupted once more.

"Seriously, Sunbae, it's fine. That's what friends are for. Don't you consider me your friend?" I asked firmly, and after a moment's hesitation, she sighed and nodded.

Feeling a sense of victory, I paid the bill while Lisa stepped outside to call her bank and sort out the issue with her card. Once I joined her outside, I couldn't help but admire her as she spoke with the bank officials on her phone. The sunlight seemed to enhance her beauty, casting a warm glow on her as she stood there, getting kissed by the sun.

Continuing to admire her from a distance, I couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to protect her, to be there for her whenever she needed me. Maybe this unexpected turn of events was a sign that our bond was growing stronger, paving the way for something deeper between us.

After finishing her call, Lisa turned towards me and hurried over to retrieve the shopping bags I had been carrying.

"I'm so sorry, Jeon. Did I make you wait long? And sorry for having you carry these for so long," she apologized, taking the bags from me.

"Oh, no worries, Sunbae. I just arrived. It's all good. So, what did the officials say?" I inquired, gesturing towards where she had been on the phone.

"They suspected fraud on the card because I was spending more than my usual limit, and I realized I had grabbed the wrong card. I usually don't use this one for shopping. How silly of me. Oh, and how much was it? Let me pay you back. Could you also give me your number?" Lisa explained, and we quickly exchanged numbers.

I was taken aback by her request for my number. I had been contemplating asking for hers, but now she was asking for mine? The unexpected turn of events, with her card declining and me covering the bill, had given me the opportunity I had hoped for.

"By the way, Sunbae, I noticed you bought a lot of baby stuff," I remarked, curious about her purchases.

"Is there a special occasion coming up?" I inquired, wanting to understand the reason behind her purchases.

"Ahh, that?" She paused for a moment, her expression shifting slightly.

"No, not for anyone else, but for me. For my baby," she revealed softly, her words carrying a mix of surprise and vulnerability.

My heart skipped a beat at her confession, my mind racing to process the unexpected revelation. Lisa, with a baby? It seemed surreal, yet there was a sense of raw honesty in her voice that I couldn't ignore.

"Oh, wow," I responded, struggling to find the right words. "Congratulations, Sunbae. That's... that's wonderful news."

Lisa offered a small smile, though I could see the uncertainty flickering in her eyes. "Thank you, Jeon," she murmured, her tone tinged with a hint of apprehension.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, sensing her hesitation. "I mean, if you don't mind me asking."

Lisa hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. "Yeah, it's just... a lot to take in, you know? But I'm trying to figure things out."

I nodded sympathetically, my heart going out to her. "If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know," I offered, hoping to convey my support.

"Thank you, Jeon. I appreciate that," she replied, her gratitude evident in her eyes.

As we stood there, the weight of the conversation hanging between us, I couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of connection with Lisa. Despite the unexpected turn of events, I was determined to be there for her, to support her through whatever challenges lay ahead. And perhaps, in the midst of it all, our bond would only grow stronger.

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