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Just like that, two years passed, and Lisa and Jungkook's bond grew stronger. Jungkook loved Lisa endlessly, and Lisa, though she knew she loved Jungkook, was afraid to confess her feelings to him. She feared that something bad might happen to him, just like the accident that took Jacob, her late boyfriend.

Lisa was tangled in a web of overwhelming emotions when it came to Jungkook. On one hand, she felt happy to have found someone who understood her and was willing to wait for her. On the other hand, she felt a deep sadness for making him wait for so long. She also felt frustration for not being able to express her true feelings to him.

In the past two years, Lisa's feelings for Jungkook had grown, but the memory of Jacob lingered in her mind. She was torn between her love for Jungkook and the lingering affection she held for Jacob. The uncertainty left her feeling confused and conflicted, unsure of where her heart truly belonged.

As the days passed, Lisa found herself caught in a constant tug-of-war between her past and her present. She longed to move forward with Jungkook, to embrace the love and happiness he offered, yet she couldn't shake the shadow of Jacob's memory that lingered in her heart.

Each time Jungkook's affectionate gaze met hers, Lisa's heart swelled with warmth and longing. She cherished every moment they shared, every laugh, every tender touch. Yet, beneath the surface, a nagging fear gnawed at her soul, whispering doubts and insecurities.

Was she truly ready to let go of the past and fully embrace the future with Jungkook? Could she ever overcome the lingering guilt and grief that held her back?

As Lisa grappled with these internal struggles, Jungkook remained steadfast by her side, his unwavering love and patience a beacon of hope in her darkest moments. He sensed her inner turmoil, her silent battles, and vowed to stand by her, no matter what.

But deep down, Lisa knew that she couldn't keep Jungkook in the dark forever. She owed him the truth, the honesty he deserved. And so, with a heavy heart and trembling hands, she resolved to confront her fears and lay bare her soul to the man she loved.

For in Jungkook's embrace, she found solace, strength, and the courage to face whatever the future held, uncertain though it may be. And with each passing day, she prayed that love would conquer all, leading them both to a brighter tomorrow.

One day, while Lisa was on the phone with Jungkook, who was on his way back from work in the midst of heavy rain, her concern for his safety bubbled over.

"Jeon, make sure you come back safe, okay? Do you have an umbrella with you? Where are you? Is your car handling the mud well? Is the traffic bad?" Her voice trembled with worry as she bombarded him with questions.

"My love, calm down. I'm fine. I'll get through this, it's just rain. I'll make sure to come back quickly and give you a hug, okay?" Jungkook's reassuring words floated through the phone.

"Are you sure? Where exactly are you? How much longer until you're back?" Lisa's anxiety resurfaced, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

"Um, maybe 10-15 minutes? I'm near the post office and—" Suddenly, Jungkook let out a scream, and the call abruptly ended.

"Hello? Jeon? Hey? Are you okay?" Lisa's voice shook with fear as she desperately tried to reach him again. But no matter how many times she called, the phone remained silent, sending waves of panic through her.

With her heart pounding in her chest, Lisa's mind raced back to the night of Jacob's accident, the same sense of dread washing over her once more. Without a second thought, she called her friend to watch her baby and hastily grabbed an umbrella as she dashed out the door, her sole focus on reaching Jungkook and ensuring his safety.

As Lisa rushed out into the pouring rain, her mind was a whirlwind of fear and uncertainty. Each step she took felt like an eternity as she navigated the slick streets, her heart pounding in her chest with each passing moment.

Images of Jungkook flashed through her mind, his smiling face now replaced with the haunting memory of his scream before the call abruptly ended. The echoes of her own panicked voice as she tried to reach him reverberated in her ears, driving her forward with a sense of urgency she couldn't ignore.

The rain fell in torrents around her, soaking her to the bone as she hurried towards the post office, where Jungkook had last mentioned he was. Each passing car sent a shiver down her spine, her mind conjuring up vivid images of the worst possible scenarios.

But amid the chaos of her racing thoughts, one thing remained clear - she couldn't bear the thought of losing Jungkook, not after everything they had been through together. He was her anchor, her rock, the one person who had stood by her side through thick and thin.

As she reached the post office, her heart sank at the sight of the deserted street. There was no sign of Jungkook or his car, only the relentless drumming of rain against the pavement. Panic threatened to consume her as she frantically searched for any sign of him, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

And then, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of something familiar - a flash of movement in the distance. With renewed determination, Lisa raced towards it, her heart leaping with hope as she prayed for Jungkook's safety.

She spotted Jungkook and his car in the distance, and without hesitation, she dashed towards him. Jungkook, noticing Lisa approaching rapidly, panicked and quickly got out of the car, rushing towards her.

As they met in the midst of the pouring rain, their breaths coming in ragged gasps, Jungkook enveloped Lisa in a tight embrace, holding her close as if afraid to let go. "Lisa, I'm so sorry. I'm okay, I'm okay," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.

For in that moment, all that mattered was finding him, holding him close, and never letting go. And as she pressed on through the storm, she clung to the belief that love would guide her through the darkness, leading her back to the one she cherished above all else.

Relief flooded through Lisa as she buried her face in Jungkook's chest, her tears mixing with the rain. "Don't ever scare me like that again," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

As they stood in the rain, Lisa clung to Jungkook as if her life depended on it, her grip tight and trembling. Tears mingled with raindrops on her cheeks as she trembled with the weight of her emotions. Without a second thought, she had left her umbrella behind, her only focus on reaching Jungkook and ensuring his safety.

Jungkook held her even tighter, his own emotions threatening to overwhelm him. "I promise, I won't," he vowed, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. In that moment, with the storm raging around them, they found solace in each other's arms, grateful for the love that had brought them back together once more.

But now, as the adrenaline of the moment began to fade, the memories of her past traumatic experience came rushing back with a vengeance. She shuddered as the echoes of Jacob's accident reverberated in her mind, filling her with an overwhelming sense of fear and helplessness.

"I was so scared," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the din of the storm. "When the call ended, I thought... I thought I had lost you, just like I lost him."

Jungkook pulled her closer, his arms a comforting anchor amidst the turmoil of her emotions. "I'm here, Lisa. I'm right here," he murmured, his own voice thick with emotion.

But Lisa couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gripped her heart. "I'm scared, Jungkook," she admitted, her voice breaking with the weight of her confession. "I'm scared of losing you, of going through that pain again."

Tears streamed down her face as she poured out her fears, her vulnerabilities laid bare before him. And in that moment, Jungkook held her close, his own tears mingling with hers as they sought solace in each other's embrace.

For in the midst of the storm, they found strength in their love, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf them. And as they stood together, hearts entwined, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united against the tempest that raged around them.

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