˚ · . 06

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Minho knew that he really needed to go home. Not that he necessarily wanted to, and it wasn't that Felix was opposed to his prolonged stay, simply, it was Jisung. Seeing Jisung made him think too much.

Seeing Jisung made him think ugly, displeasing thoughts that always ended up creeping towards feelings. Feelings that shoved to the front of his mind whenever he looked at Jisung, other than when they were having sex. Sex was good, sex with Jisung was distracting.

The line between getting intimate with Jisung because Minho wanted to, and getting intimate with Jisung as a means to attach Jisung to him was awfully vague. So vague in fact, that it worried Minho.

That was why he needed to go home.

Minho picked up his bag from the floor of Felix's room, and the blonde shuffled in, flopping down on the bed beside where Minho was standing. He slung the backpack over his shoulder and peered down at Felix with a smile.

"Min– You really should just move in with me," Felix joked, a wide grin on his face, teeth flashing. For a moment, Minho thought he was serious, stopping himself to wonder how it would be to live with Felix.

Minho practically spent more time there than his own dorm anyways, it wouldn't be so bad.

When he saw Felix's expression, however, he let out a small chuckle, "I think we'd end up going crazy if we spent so much time together," Minho returned, and Felix jutted out his bottom lip in a pout.

"Bye Lixie, I'll see you Monday in class," Minho bent down to tickle Felix's stomach, who jerked away from him with a laugh. "Bye bye," Felix said in a sing-song voice, kicking his feet off the side of the bed and sitting up, tilting his head as Minho turned away.

Minho walked over to the front door, only to be met with a pair of eyes. Jisung sat on the couch, head tilted around to face Minho. Minho swallowed, meeting his gaze. Jisung did not have a prominent expression on his face, or atleast, it was something Minho could not decipher.

They did not exchange any words, eyes locked in a silent conversation, before eventually, Minho broke the eye contact, turning on his heel and leaving through the door as quickly as he could, wanting to get away from Jisung before he did something stupid.


When he got home, to his surprise, none of his roommates were home, and Minho guessed that they were spending their last Saturday of break at a party of sorts. His bed felt like heaven after spending so long sleeping on the floor and Felix's couch.

He melted into the covers, a small hum of delight emitting from his mouth.

Minho then, begrudgingly, sat up and began unpacking his bag. However, what he had failed to notice when grabbing it from Felix's house, that on top of his wadded up clothes, was a piece of paper.

His brows creased in confusion, picking up the slip with two fingers and squinting to read the penciled handwriting.

(xxx) xxx-xxxx


Blinking rapidly, Minho's heart lurched. Jisung left his number for him? Swallowing down the gross feelings that crept through his stomach at the thought, Minho found himself staring down at the paper, rereading the numbers as if they would disappear if he looked away.

He sucked in a breath, carefully placing the paper onto his bedside table to then unpack the rest of his clothes from his bag. When he was finished, Minho slunk down to the floor, leaning against the side of his bed to stare at the wall opposite to him.

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