Chapter Twenty One

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Nicole joins her friends at the breakfast table.

Diether puts his arm on Nicole's shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Russell raises his mug and winks at Nicole. "How's sleep?"

"It's fine. I know I was having a drama and had few drinks last night but I am perfectly okay. David and I....we're still good. We're okay..... as friends and business buddies if I may add." Nicole reassures her friend.

Jazmine puts the food on the table. "I couldn't believe Heather has the audacity to approached us last night."

"It's okay, Jaz. I already have forgiven her,"says Nicole.

"I don't think she will be able to tamed, Astor. That guy needs a divine intervention!" Russell says before taking a huge bite on the croissant.

CJ sits on her favorite chair.

"We should start looking for your OOTD tonight." Clayton walks inside CJ's closet.

"So dinner date with Kenneth Walker huh?" Leslie teases CJ.

"It is only dinner not a date. Let me clear that out." CJ tells Leslie.

Clayton goes out of the closet holding four dresses and lays them on the bed.

CJ looks at the dresses.

Leslie picks the powder blue dress. "I like this one."

Clayton chooses the sexy black halter dress. "This one looks perfect, Cej?"

"Guys, it's only dinner, it's not a date." CJ picks the mint green dress. "This will do."

Leslie and Clayton just look at each other.
Nicole goes home to the mansion after getting a call from her Mom.

Brian sees Nicole and hurriedly walks to her and pulls her by the arm.

Nicole gets frightened and pushes Brian away from her. "Let me go you fucking jerk!"

"Nicole, I just want to tell you that I will be changing my name. I want to pursue you and I want to make things right." Brian sounds sincere and desperate.

"Do you honestly think that by changing your name, I would come running to you?!" Nicole yells at Brian. " I despise you Brian! I will never forgive you for what you've done! I'd rather end up being a gaddam old maid than end up being with an evil person like you! You're a one fucking asshole!"

Brian pulls Nicole's body holding her tight. "Nicole please just give me a chance. I really love you. I'm losing my mind, Nick. Please give me a chance?"

"Over my dead fucking body!" Nicole fires back feeling angry.

Brian tries to kiss Nicole but she slaps him in the face instead.

"Listen asshole, this will be the last time you ever get near to me! Do it again and I will make sure that you will end up behind bars!" Nicole shouts angrily.

Brian smirks. "You know what, the more you hate the more I'll come to you. I won't back down nor give up until you're mine."

"You're crazy! You should be in mental asylum!" Nicole walks away.

Brian pulls Nicole again and kisses her .

Nicole struggles and fights back. She tries to knee Brian's groin but she's having a hard time and end up biting his lip.

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