13. Demon in the Temple

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"Molly!" Chigaru called out. "I'm headed to my mums today. Want to get the bus together? She lives near your halls." Chigaru suggested, putting an arm around her shoulder.

"I'm not going to the halls today." Molly explained. "I'm headed to the temple of Ra in the city centre."

"That's a shame." Chigaru felt an itchy feeling on the back of his neck and had the feeling that someone was watching him.

Turning his head, he saw Seth standing above them on the deck of the ship – glaring at him. If looks could kill...

Chigaru flinched and quickly retracted his arm from Molly's shoulder.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Molly waved and Chigaru waved back – not brave enough to lean in for a hug like usual.


                   Molly arrived back in the temple during a private ceremony. Since Seth had logged her as a 'special guest', she was allowed in when most people weren't. Molly made a beeline for the security desk – but turning her head, she caught a glimpse of the main chamber.

The shutters had been clamped down – blocking out all-natural light. Fires burnt in large stone bowls, casting long shadows across the cavernous room. The temple priests and novices were in ceremonial garb of black and white and were in a circle around the head priest.

Molly's feet stopped as she watched what was happening. The head priest's eyes had rolled back in his head and he was chanting in tongues. His attendants looked stressed, their eyes wide with panic and Molly frowned. Was this not meant to be happening?

"He's possessed!" One novice exclaimed. The head priest screamed suddenly and everyone went silent, watching the poor man with baited breath. The head priest became rigid – his eyes locked and wide open.

"This is demon work." Muttered an older priest, tugging at his beard fretfully.

"In the temple? But that's never happened before."

"Evil is amongst us."

Foam came from the head priests' mouth and the attendants recoiled, terrified. He started barking like a dog and Molly's legs trembled. This was indeed demonic possession and the poor priest was fighting it.

The priests tied him down – frantically questioning what to do.

"Look in the book of spells." Ordered the older man.

The head priest – now in restraints – was laughing hysterically in-between barking like a dog. Icy fear plucked at Molly's nerves.

Demons in the temple... was that because of her?

                       The sounds of the head priest's strange wails filled Molly's head as she rushed down the temple's private corridor. She chewed on her lip as she ran. Perhaps her being here had weakened the temples defences, allowing a demon to enter and perform spells. Her dad had always been able to cast wards to keep demons out – which had kept her and her mum safe.

But Molly had never succeeded at that. Blood dribbled from her lip from biting through the skin. Molly burst through the door and skidded into the apartment. The priests in the temple were panicking, they'd soon start throwing around every anti-demon spell they could think off – and any one of them might find her. She needed to pack up her things and get the hell out of here.

Molly's heart thudded in her chest, as she realised that something was wrong. She wasn't alone. Raising her head, she saw a handsome man standing on the top floor of the maisonette. He was leaning over the railing and watching her. He appraised her slowly and smiled.

Molly sniffed the air. He was a demon. She scowled at him.

"I didn't invite you in here." She told him sharply.

"I'm a loyal servant of our Master," he replied silkily. "Your blood invites me to be in your presence."

Molly clenched her hands into fists. 'Our Master' was what demons called the Evil Serpent. And yes, as a loyal servant he had immediate access to all of the bloodline. He already knew her heritage then. Molly preferred it when the demons that found her were confused about her. She could usually eek out time – whilst they tried to figure out what she was.

The demon slowly walked down the stairs towards her. If he was strong enough to bewitch the head priest, then this demon was a lot stronger than Elijah had been.

"My lady," he greeted – bowing his head. "My name is Gideon." His words were polite, but the tone and the way he was staring at her wasn't submissive. It was cunning.

"Get out." Molly ordered, keeping her voice steady. He smiled, amused.

"You're different than I expected." He observed, ignoring her words. He reached the bottom step and walked across the tiles towards her. "I heard that the heirs of our Master were proud and talented." He stopped in front of her and dismissively touched the collar of her jacket, making her flinch.

"Sorry to disappoint." Molly snapped – taking a step back. Gideon followed her – making her take another step and then another. He'd stopped smiling.

"You've allowed herself to become the whore of our masters' enemies."

He reached out to her again but this time, Molly moved fast – pulling out the gun that she'd stolen from Elijah.

It wasn't loaded. And she had no idea how the fire it – even it had been. But he didn't need to know that. Molly did her best to hold her hand steady.

"Crazy idiot." Gideon spat, disgusted. But he had stopped closing in on her.

"That's me. A crazy idiot holding a gun. And I don't think your demon level is high enough to save you from a bullet to the brain. Now, LEAVE!"

Gideon glared but did, slowly, retreat backwards.

"You're sleeping with our master's enemy – my kin and I won't tolerate you shaming our master like this." He warned her. "Next time, I come here – I'll make you beg for our master's forgiveness."

He left out of the door – the alarm bleeping shut behind him. Molly swayed, her legs feeling numb.


                       Molly packed up her things and returned to the halls. The place was riot of noise with a party in full swing. Molly was resigned. No sleep – but she could at least drink.

In the crowded space, people sat on the floor, cushions or anything that was available.

"Cheers!" The residents cheered and Molly clinked her plastic cup with theirs – before drinking down the sweet alcohol. "Our food is your food. We're celebrating our nomination for a reward." The guys explained.


Within very little time, she was as drunk as they were and joining in on the dancing. Standing on the table top, one of the guys tried to spin her and his friend had to catch her to save her from falling. Molly laughed her head off with them – challenging them to another drinking game.

She ate the food, getting crisp crumbs all down Seth's jacket without realising.

"Millie," one of the guys called – getting her name wrong. "Sing this song with me."

"Hell yeah." It was in Spanish and Molly didn't know Spanish. But she didn't let that stop her.

Molly ended up sleeping on the floor – using some random guy as a pillow with a young woman curled up against her side.  

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