27. Not My Boyfriend

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"Master, Molly Serpens is here again to see you." The attendant informed Seth. Seth's expression indecisive. He looked down at himself. He was no longer lying in bed. Isis was living in the palace to protect him, but had gone to her own rooms to work – so as not to disturb him. Seth looked out the window at the cloudy sky. Molly should be sleeping at this time. "Should I ask her to leave?" The attendant asked.

"Send her in. But tell her she must be brief." Seth decreed. He cursed his own weakness as he sat down on the sofa, waiting for her.

Molly entered the room – looking resolute.

"I know, you might not really want me here." She spoke quickly – the words clearly rehearsed. "But I really want to clarify one thing with you. It might not change things between us – but I want it said anyway." She finally breathed, taking in the room, and realised that she'd been talking to a vacant bed.

Turning her head, she saw that Seth was in a chair by the window. Seeing Seth sat, dressed relaxed but not like a patient, made her chest exhale in relief. He really was healing. He gestured for her to keep talking. The door clicked shut behind them as the attendant gave them privacy. "I don't have a boyfriend. I haven't had one since way before joining the Sun Draggers. If someone has told you that I do – than they are wrong."

"I heard it from your own lips."


"You told your friend outside the Halls where you live. She'd spotted you having a date at a restaurant with him." The words tasted like ash is his mouth. Seth stared sullenly at the ground. Molly took a moment to think back. 

"Him!?" Molly exclaimed. She almost laughed at the idea. Seth's eyebrows shot up and his gaze flicked up to her. "I was lying. He's not my boyfriend. He's..." She hesitated, only slightly before continuing. "I owed him money. I didn't want to admit that to my housemate so I lied and told her he was my boyfriend."

Seth blinked, taken aback.

"He's not your boyfriend?"

"No." Molly empathetically repeated. Seth stared at Molly, transfixed – not even daring to blink.

"How much do you owe him?"

"Nothing now." Molly waved a hand. "My mum sent me money to pay him. I won't ever have to see him again." The lies were rolling easily out of her mouth – but they were so much simpler than the truth.

He was a demon, but he's dead now. I ate him.

Seth fidgeted, his gaze flitting about – thoughts darting around his head. Molly tentatively took a step closer to him.

"What about the flat at the temple?" He asked, frowning. "Why didn't you stay there?"

Molly swallowed. They were alone. This was an opportunity to stop lying and tell him the truth. But... She didn't know what happened after she told him her secret. She was a monster. And lying might make everything better...

"I'm scared of priests. The robes and the masks freak me out. It's a similar thing with clowns." She told him, repeating the lie she'd told Chigaru. "I didn't want to sound ungrateful or... weird..." She ended lamely. Seth's head changed from a jackal head to fully human. He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat.

Molly tried to read his expression. "You pushing me away... is it because you lost interest in me or... because of this misunderstanding?" She asked nervously.

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