Pt 9 ( Birthday)

42 3 8

At night

Yn POV :-

Wtf he wants now ?These word are roaming in my head again and again I opened tap and the water splashed in my body I was totally frustrated. I quickly went at my bed after changing my dress .
Suddenly my phone rung i was scared looking at the I'd i picked phone while closing my eyes

Yn : H- hello

?? : I will meet you at cafe by 4 pm be ready and come with your friend shin ru

Yn : Plz don't do that

?? : I will if you don't come

Yn : I- I will come

?? : Good
He said and smirked and cutted the call


Author POV:-

Everyone is in living room enjoying their breakfast the whole week went like that enjoying hangout and talks . Suddenly Riva spoke

Riva : Guyzz tomorrow is di's birthday so let go on shopping

Y/d : Yhh sure

Y/m : Okay let's eat fast after be ready for shopping

Riva : Yayy

After sometimes :

Author POV:-

Everyone is settled in car heading to the mall .
Riva and rishabh purchased their dress and yn's too
Yn was happy but not at all she was missing him she herself don't know why .The whole day went like that

At night

Yn did her night routine and slept but at midnight her sleep got disturbed by phone call she lazily picked the call without seeing the I'd

Yn : Hello

?? : Happy Birthday Yn

She immediately recognised the voice and unknowingly a smile crept in her lips she sat in bed comfortably

Yn : Thnks taehyung

Tae : Well did i disturbed your sleep
Yn : Not at all wait after tomorrow is your last concert

Tae : Yhh

They both talk until they fallen asleep

Next morning:-

Yn POV :

I opened my eyes and saw the phone besides me i smiled remembering how much we talks yesterday i checked the call history and saw the whole night our phone is on my smile become wider I thanked the all wishes and went to changed my outfit.

Author POV:-

She changed her outfit

She changed her outfit

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