Pt. 11 ( Reason of my happiness?)

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Next morning:

Author POV:-

Before the sunrise yn was ready. While others Yuri and shin ru was sleeping like a dead body woke up by the voice of perfume.

Yuri: Who the fuck is doing makeup in this morning i will literally kill her for ruining my sleep

Shin ru : Us moment sis

She said while rubbing her eyes in sleepy tone

Yn : Good morning guys

Yuri : So that was you ?

She said in done tone

Yn : Yes i have to go house

Yuri : At this time ?

Yn : Yeah cuz i also have to do the house chores of house

Shin ru : But your father had sent the maids then ?

Yn : They are new so probably they doesn't know how to take care of my things and do the work properly that's why okay bye y'all i have prepare breakfast for you

Yuri : Breakfast??

She asked while her eyes were glooming in excitement

Yn : Yes by now i have to take leave

Shin ru : Bye babe take care call when you reached

Yn : eww babe

She said in discusting tone and said

Fuck you

In pissed tone

Shin ru: Yeah sure just order viagra

Yuri : Eww you both are lesbian I hate you both

They laughed at Yuri words and her face

Time skips at her home :

Yn POV:-

I was sleeping peacefully until I got message from taehyung I was shocked why he is messaging me now at this time ?! I checked the time to confirmed it that it was 5 am I opened the message and the message was

Hii yn sorry to disturb you if you are free today let's hangout today at your home
Are you free today ?

Me : Yes i am let's meet on 12

Tae : Ohh okay bye take care

Me : You too

I keeps my mobile aside and started smiling like a fool without having a proper reason like a laughing  witch possessed me i look at the time and went at to take shower i prepared breakfast for my girls and ready to leave but before that i have to say bye to my queens i peeked at their bedroom i thought to call her out but suddenly an idea popped on my mind i picked perfume and intentionally sprayed in my wrist and pulse and they started bickering I like to irritate my bestfriend like i will get money to irritate me but if there is a job of insulting and making pissed to your bestfriend I will be billionaire till now and suddenly they both woke up and started to put million tons of questions After sometimes saying bye to both of them i got out from home and sat down on my car while driving to home As soon as I entered in my room i dropped myself on bed and took a sigh and got up and headed in kitchen i prepared sandwitch for myself and ate Suddenly doorbell ranged  i looked at the direction before getting up and opened the door a female of early's 20 with a bright and obedient smile flashed on her lips as soon she saw me

?? : Good morning mam

I was confused but soon she started further

?? ; I am val your maid I have officially appointed to take care of you and your house

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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