New Beginnings

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"Zachary Mitchell, you will be the second of our three setters for this season. What number do you want?"

YES. I MADE THE TEAM. "I'll take #4 coach" Sucks that I am a back-up setter though, at least I am not fucking back-up setter to the back-up setter, sucks to be setter #3.

"#4 it is, congratulations."

He called the rest of the team, Karson made it too, we started becoming good friends during these tryouts. After coach finished calling the rest of the team all huddled in and gave one last cheer,

1, 2, 3, KNIGHTS.

We then broke off.

"Hey Karson want to give me ride home?" "Not really, but I'll do it" he replied. "Haha, fuck off." "Haha, yeah I'll give you a ride home." "Thanks, big guy."

I never really had a filter, my mom says it'll get me in shit someday, but so far so good though.

Karson was a junior on the team. He was 6'4, blonde, slim but muscular and he had the bluest eyes I have ever seen, almost white even.

"So are you excited to be on the team?"

"Fuck yeah I am, we're gonna tear shit up this season"

"Haha, I like the way that sounds. Here's your stop bud, have a good night and rest up for tomorrow night."

"Why what's going on tomorrow night?"

"Our rookie party dumbass, did you forget?"

Shit, I totally forgot about the rookie party, not looking forward to getting hazed. "Fuck, yeah I guess I will rest up, get my beer drinking hat ready."

"Sounds good bud, see you tomorrow."

"Later big guy."

I walked into my apartment, checked the time, it was almost 11:00. Laura was still up watching Gossip Girl. "You're watching Gossip Girl? You're so gay." I told her. "Says the gay guy."

"Haha, fuck off."

Yes, I am gay. And Laura is my best friend. We have known each since we were in pre-k. We have the same birthday, she's just a year younger than me. She's a ginger and has longer hair and freckles, you're typical ginger, well not the ugly gingers anyways. I took an extra year of high school and when she graduated we came out to East Valley City to attend Eastern.

"I made supper, there's leftovers in the fridge."

"Oh my fuck, you're the best, I'm starving."

"Yeah you're welcome, how'd your last tryout go today?"

"It went really good, I made the team. I'm fucking backup setter though. Fuck. My. Life."

"Haha, sucks to suck. I'm starting setter."

Laura tried out for the girl's team and her tryouts ended yesterday. She was always the star player of our club and high school teams, and that's hard to do when you're a setter. It helps that she's left-handed. Finding a left-handed setter is like winning the lottery when you coach volleyball. Which is probably why I'm back-up setter, I'm right-handed and Andrew, our starting setter, is left-handed. Oh well, it is what it is I guess.

"Well, you're a girl." I said sarcastically.

"Well, you're gay."

"Haha, yeah so? Got a problem? By the way, are you ready for the rookie party tomorrow?"

"Hell yeah I am, what about you?" she said as she gave me a punch to the arm.

"Uhm, Ow!? Kind of, kind of not. I expect some team bonding and opening up..."

"Are you going to be okay with that?"

"Yeah I'll manage. I'm going to have to tell them everything eventually anyways. Just sooner rather than later I guess. Might as well get it over with right away."

I ate the supper Laura made, Mashed potatoes and steak. She must have knew I would be starving, and holy fuck was she right, I pretty much inhaled it. "Thanks, it was fucking delicious."

"I know."

"Haha, stuck up bitch." We both laughed. "I'm going to shower and head to bed, I'm pretty pooped. Good night."

"Yeah, I'm going to head to bed soon too. Night Zac."

I head to bed.

This will is the start of new life...a new beginning.

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