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A/N: Hi. I'm SO SORRY I haven't posted any chapters since a month ago. If you're wondering why, it's because I've been REALLY busy and tired with schoolwork and after school stuff and speech team practices (because the state tournament is in less than a week). Well, anyway, ENJOY CHAPTER 11!!!!!

        About an hour after Blake told me her story, she fell asleep. I was writing out a plan for her and her friend to return to the Human Realm. If I can recall properly, there's a portal to Washington D.C. somewhat near the Schools... I don't really know if it's easy to find or not... You know what, screw it. I don't need to think about it right now, right?

        Then, I decided to open my book, titled An Advanced History of the Human Realm by Daman RoSpa. I'm currently reading about the Romaine Empire. I think its full name is the Romaine Lettuce Empire. Wait. Let me look into my book. BAHAHA!!! 

-5 minutes later-


        It's the Roman Empire, not the Romaine Lettuce Empire. Apparently, Romaine Lettuce is a type of Lettuce, also known as Leaf that Humans Eat. That's weird. We have Butter Lettuce and nothing else.

        While I was reading, I felt a sudden giddiness in my brain. I fell backwards onto my bed and suddenly saw a vision of Levitas, my younger sister, coughing out pink, sparkly glitter, skin translucent, and she was teleporting. I think it might be her Faeish Seizure Syndrome acting up. It always acts up about every four months, when the seasons change, so it makes sense that her FSS (short for the said Faeish Seizure syndrome) would decide to act upright when the seasons change.

        Then, I saw a vision of Johanna, the nurse that usually takes care of me when I get sudden moments where an Unknown Demon takes control of me, come take care of the Levitas-and-her-FSS issue, and then my vision ended.

        Yippee. Gotta love those two-minute-long lapses of seeing into the future or present or occasionally the past. Note: They're terrible. Last time I had a vision, it showed me and Umbra Malum, this dwarf cursed to be a monarch butterfly, going to war with... me.

        I'm still not looking forward to the moment when we'll go to war. But the question is, how will we go to war? Has the Storyteller written my story yet? I don't think it did. Which Storyteller is going to write my story? There are a total of 10 Storytellers: John, Mike, Joe, Bean, Bea, Evan, Natasha, Izzy, Dale, and Cindy. They all write different genres of stories, so that's why there are 10 storytellers, not 1. I don't think stories would be able to be made with just one Storyteller, seeing the high demand for good stories for people to read, you know?

        I then decided actually to sleep, but I ended up staying awake for another 30 minutes before I felt even the slightest amount of Melatonin that my body finally produced. Did you know, in the Human Realm, there are these things called melatonin gummies, which are these squishy balls of gelatin that are filled with vitamins. In this case, melatonin. You know, I need some of those right now.

        I woke up with a start. What time is it?! I looked at one of the 10 clocks that I have- 3:33 AM. Okay, I can't fall asleep anymore. I looked toward Blake's bed, and she was reading something. I got out of my bed and climbed the ladder that was right next to my bed to get to a little homemade loft that I made when I was new to the School. The loft has two floors. One is for me to sit in a comfortable chair and read, and the other floor, the one that's closest to the ceiling, is for me to just lay down and stare at the ceiling without anyone judging me for just peacefully staring at a ceiling with no purpose in life.

        "Are you okay? You were floating in the air in this pose that the Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil is doing. You were doing a t-pose. And your eyes were glowing." How is Blake's brain working at this hour of this day? According to my teachers, Humans' brains don't work properly during late night and early morning...

       "I'm okay. I was just having a vision. Everyone gets them once they enter the Fairytale Realm, also known as the realm that you are currently in. You get visions that are less severe when you enter the Fae Realm, and no one knows what's in the Unknown," I explained. Blake's eyes sparkled and looked like they were clear crystal balls.

        "Whoa. Do you know anyone that's been to the unknown?" Blake asked.

        "Nope. Wait no- I do know someone that's been exiled to the Unknown." I said. And yes, people can go to the Unknown. "Apparently they turned into a piece of zombified mush and returned to the Fae Realm to haunt the person that exiled them."

        "Ooh, scary. That's cool. In the Human Realm, only stories like that exist. None of it's real, but I think we're all used to it by now. It's either something actually exists, or it doesn't, even if it's in another realm."

        "In the Human Realm, what kind of stories do you classify as children's stories?" I asked.

        "Eh, it depends. In some countries, it's stories that end in death to let the kids be aware that we're all gonna die at some point or another, but in other countries, they're princess stories, where every princess gets a happily ever after. Other countries don't have children's stories," Blake explained. "I grew up listening to both. My parents wanted me to be aware that death and troubles in life are normal things, but happily ever afters are also possible. I think they wanted me to see sides from both views, you know?"

        "I grew up listening to things that are leaning toward the nonfiction genre. I heard stories about kids who battled full on monsters with just their bare hands, and I think, those stories encouraged us children of the Fae Realm, to want to be stronger and better people for the Greater Good." I then decided to open a book to entertain myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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