~🔑❤️🔥 Adventure 1! ~🔥❤️🔑

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Oh hello there!! My name is Nashi Dragneel and welome to my book! I would like to inwite (invite!) you all to join me on my many adwentures!! (Adventures!) 🤩

First, I want you all to mweet my amazwing parwents! (Amazing parents!) This is my mommy and daddy, who I love more than anytwing! I really enjoy their stowries and when they play gwames with me!! They always make me lwaugh and smiwle! 😊❤️❤️🧸

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First, I want you all to mweet my amazwing parwents! (Amazing parents!) This is my mommy and daddy, who I love more than anytwing! I really enjoy their stowries and when they play gwames with me!! They always make me lwaugh and smiwle! 😊❤️❤️🧸

Fierydragon26 🔥❤️
HoshiOtome 🔑❤️

Fierydragon26 🔥❤️HoshiOtome 🔑❤️

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Todway mommy, daddy, and I are gowing to play Just Dance and make sugar cwookies! 🍪 🪩 I love helping by addwing the inwgrediwents! (Ingredients!) and I can't wait to try them awfter! Wish me luck with the gwame! *She grins widely, twirling in a ...

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Todway mommy, daddy, and I are gowing to play Just Dance and make sugar cwookies! 🍪 🪩 I love helping by addwing the inwgrediwents! (Ingredients!) and I can't wait to try them awfter! Wish me luck with the gwame! *She grins widely, twirling in a circle!* 😊😮❤️

Todway mommy, daddy, and I are gowing to play Just Dance and make sugar cwookies! 🍪 🪩 I love helping by addwing the inwgrediwents! (Ingredients!) and I can't wait to try them awfter! Wish me luck with the gwame! *She grins widely, twirling in a ...

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I will see you all on my next adwenture!! 🧸❤️

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I will see you all on my next adwenture!! 🧸❤️

Nashi's AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now