To be blamed.-Mio.

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I countiue eating popcorn as I watch a serial on the TV.
No one is in the house.The helpers went.I didn't thought it will be nice idea for horror movie right now.So I just went for gossip girls.I cleaned my room ,read manga even tried a few clothes out from boredness.It's already eight.I haven't  seen Landon for the breakfast we had at thirteen.Its not like I miss him after the just closed the door at his face I can't believe I lost it.

He's at fault.He makes me confused and angry and just puts me out of my comfortable place.Mom called a couple of times.She was doing good they went to a  sea there was also hot.They sent me a pictures of them laughing.But when they asked for  Landon.I just lied...telling them he was at the bathroom.I just isn't want to make them worried .
I feel bad for this.What if they ask him and he says otherwise?Oh my God!I didn't want to call him but now I'm not sure.

Is this how it's going to be?Him always not being there?I'm happy right?I'm the one who pushed him out after all...

"Boo!"I jumped turning immediately.
He laughed siting next to me.
"You're an asshole."I breath trying to make my heart calm.
"You've said that,little japanese. "He smirked taking popcorn from my lap.
I rolled my eyes looking at the TV again.Damn.I didn't revenge hear him coming.How?But if I  ask him he'll snapp again.

"I was at Dante's one of my friends."I turn to him.He still looks at the TV.He didn't apologized but still.I lean back.
"I forgive you."I say turning to the TV.
I hear him chuckle my heart skipping a beat.
"Gossip girls huh?"He smirks.I feel his eyes  on  me,burning.I turn  to him.
"Hmm?"He lays on his hand holding his head.

I swallow.
"I though of trying after all."My lips are dry."And?How do you find it?"His lower voice hits me.
"Not so bad as I thought..."I lick my lips."Would you like to continue?"He licks his lips and I feel my heart in my throat.I swallow.
"Would you?"I flinch as he comes closer and whispers in my ear.
"Let's find,shall we?"I pull away looking at him already smirking,his gaze warming me.I don't know what to say ,I don't know how will I sound right now but I just nod.

We turn counting watching but I can't just focus.I feels his body to close next to me.I feel his scents,green apples,whine, red one,a bitterness yet a sweet one.I can't focus on it.I keep stealing glances.As I see him swallow,his adam apple working.
"Would you like me stand so you can take the rest of me too?"I feel my cheeks burning. He looks at me cooking his eyebrow.
"You wish!"I glare at him ,he laughs.
We laugh as we watch it,argue who is the better girl out of them while eating.And I completely forget to ask him the importan questions I need to.I forgot keeping my distance feeling finaly I made  friend.

My phone rings.
Nikko:Hi there cutie!I heard you've been asking for my number...

What the hell?

"Nikko?"Damn  I said out.
I felt his cold eyes on me,narrowing.
"What did you say?"His voice darkened.It wasn't the light one from a minute.
"I-"He snapped the phone from me.
"Hey!"I yelled.That wasn't good idea.

"Did you asked for that bastrad's number after I told you  to  not get involved with him?"He looked at me his blue eyes darkening.

No.Listen to me.

"I didn't...I don't know-"
"What does he mean?"He asks me looking murderous.

No..Why aren't you listening?

"I don't know!"I snapp.

I don't feel okay.

I feel anxious.

I feel like throwing.





"I told you to not get involved with him!"He shouts standing.

I don't like it.

No.I'm not the little girl from before.

I don't accept to be.

"Don't shout!"I yelled standing.The popcorn falls on the floor everywhere.
"Then don't make me!"He shout throwing the phone on the sofa.
"You know what?Do the fuck whatever you want go fuck around if you want!"He strokes his hair,visilibly angry.

Fuck around?

He thinks about me that?Like this?


What happened to us laughing a minute ago?


Why isn't he listening to me?


Why doesn't he believe me?

"Yes!"I yell he snapps looking at me like any minute he'd kill me.
"Why do you care?!It's my life!I will live it how I want to!Don't butt in!"
He pulls me by my arms puting our faces together.I could feel his hot breath on my face.
His eyes burning a hole in mines.

It hurts.His hold hurts.

When I first saw him I though of the gentle touch he'd have.But this is not it.It's like he's completely different person.

His hold tighten around me.
No ,no calm down Mio.You are not in that room anymore. He can't hurt you.He can't. You're not there.

"It hurts..."
"Shut up!"I flinch.
"Mark my words,Mio."

I can't breath.

"If I  found out he has touched you I'll break his fucking skull.And you will be  to blame for this."His hot breath hitting me with a husky voice.He pushes me aside and takes my phone.

I close my eyes  shaking, taking a breath and swallow.

I can't breath. Taking breaths doesn't help.

He's right I'm to be blamed for this.

I snapp my phone and run upstairs to my room,closing it.

What just happened?
No.I can't cry.I won't cry.He doesn't deserve it He  is everything but not gently. I've should known better.I knew he was fake and yet I still closed my eyes.I've should let him under my skin.Lanodn Asher is everything but not my friend.He can't never be.

I stare at the wall for a while hugging my knees,feeling the hard floor.
A bitter tear coming down on my cheek.

"Gossip girls huh?"

"And?How do you find it?"

"Would you like to continue?"

"Let's find,shall we?"

"I'm to be blamed ."I stand taking my  pyjamas.


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