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"One of her lungs collapsed." The doctor tells me. "We took her into another surgery. She'll be out soon."

     "Will she be okay?" I ask.

     "So far it's looking good." She smiles.

     I exhale a breath of relief, and my eyes begin to water. "Could you tell my grandson that?" I question seriously. Maybe if he has confirmation from someone who works here he'll finally go to sleep.

     "Sure. Where is he?"

     I nod to Enzo, curled up on the chairs, crying again. Cole is trying to console him, but he doesn't stop.

The doctor walks over to him and sits beside him. "Enzo. I'm one of your mums doctors."

"Mama!" He wails.

"Your mum is gonna be fine." She tells him. "You'll be able to see her real soon."

     Enzo sits up and begins crying again. I lean down and slowly, gently, lift him up. He hides his head in the crook of my neck and whispers hopefully, "mama coming. Mama gonna come."

     I smile and kiss his cheek. I sit down, and he leans on me. He giggles and claps his hands, and my mood lightens because I haven't seen him do it in so long.


My baby sister comes out of surgery after another three hours. She's laying in her bed when we're allowed to go inside.

     Enzo squeals in excitement when he sees Amalia. "Mama!"

     Amalia stays asleep. This doesn't deter him, though. My dad sets him beside Amalia, telling him to be quiet and gentle so she's able to sleep. Enzo crawls to the top of the bed, and we all watch him as he leans his head on Amalia's shoulder and holds onto her arm. He leans forward and kisses her forehead, and my heart swells.

     "You be okay, mama." He tells her, "you be okay now."

     I smile.


There are comfortable chairs brought into Amalia's room for all of us. Enzo fell asleep beside Amalia a few minutes after we came in, once he finished affirming to himself that she was fine.

     I sleep for an hour or two, but then wake up when it's pitch black outside. I yawn and stretch my legs outwards, leaning my head back on the back of the chair.

     I look over at Amalia. She's still sleeping, and relief swirls around me again. I reach my hand out, connecting it with hers, and I plant a kiss on the back of her hand, leaning forward to hold it with both of mine.

Mr. Romano stirs beside me, then sits up. He glances at me, then at her hand, cocooned between both of mine, and then at Amalia. He seems to relax a little upon seeing her.

"You don't have to stay here." He murmurs tiredly. "You can go back. We'll be bringing her home in a few days, anyway."

I frown. "No. I wanna stay."

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