Gaming『Request: Xreader, Fluff』

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I saw a boy who was standing by the little plot of sea near Wangshu Inn, in front of a couple of slimes who were chilling on ice platforms created by their own elemental energy.

I had just finished purchasing some fish from the nearby fishmonger — apparently, Yianxiao felt sick that day, that's why Goldet sent me to do his shopping task — so I thought of approaching that young lad to get some help in carrying my bags.

I stared at the boy's silhouette for a moment. Those double-layered hair could've been owned only by one person.

«Gaming!» I called, after which the boy turned his head and gave me a smile.

I always admired the energy that Gaming radiated. He was like a little sun, bringing light and joy wherever he went.

«Y/n! I was just thinking about you», he said, doing a little jog to reach me. It was at times like these when I realized the unique joy of having someone's smile light up at the sight of you just because it is you.

Gaming was one of those people who could make you feel at home wherever you were, yes, but it was like that for everyone: Gaming was everyone's and nobody's.

«Oh? And what was our Wushou dancer pondering about me?»

«I was thinking 'bout treating you to a meal, of course!» he said, with a spark in his eyes.

«I see... I would like to enjoy a meal with you, really, I do, but I have to help Yianxiao out for tonight. He feels sick, you see».

That was a lie. Truth be told, I was a rather antisocial youngster at the time. That's why I worked as an employee at Wangshu Inn: I knew well all the regulars, whom I felt at ease with, and didn't mind much newcomers — they were just travelers passing by anyway.

Wangshu Inn was like a home to me.

Gaming, being a regular client and one of Verr Goldet's favorite 'traveling pigeons', was also part of the people whom I considered part of my home.

«Really? We can help Smiley Yanxiao together, then. What about that?».

Now it was my turn to smile, my heart full of ecstatic bubbles. Problem-solving was the boy's special skill, along with having to do with people.

«I... I couldn't possibly decline such an offer».

Gaming gave me a lighthearted hug. I could feel my insides screaming.


That night, Wangshu Inn wasn't particularly full of clients; work days were like that: people stayed at home or took a stroll in the main harbor.

If it weren't for the Lantern Rite — which almost all of Teyvat knew and loved — nobody would've showed at the inn.

I could see Gaming's free spirit in his rather spontaneous mannerisms towards the clients who sat at the nearest tables from the kitchen.

He was enjoying that evening's work much more than me and Yanxiao, which looked pale like a corpse because of his "slight bit of fever" as he addressed it — I didn't buy that lie anyway, busy as I was taking care of the orders and keeping an eye on a certain young lad.

«Hey... I'm starting to feel hungry, with all these delicious smells in the air. Say, Y/n, what about an order from the waiter?»

«No. I'm busy as it is».

«Just a quick snack, pretty please~?»

«No». Then, to send Gaming back to work, I whispered: «If you kill your appetite now, how are you going to enjoy the meal you wanna treat me to after work?»

He frowned — he was such a cute sight, I could've imploded right there, in that boiling hot kitchen.

«Don't underestimate my appetite, now. I could gulp down a whole whale right now!»

«In that case, a quick snack would only worsen your hunger. Go, Gaming, go!» I laughed, poking the boy's shoulder jokingly.

Before heading to a group of clients, Gaming stole an apple from a wooden shelf.

I saw a few people giggle upon seeing a young boy sliding through the tables with a red fruit clawed in his mouth and a jotter clasped in his hand. I couldn't help but chuckle.

That evening quickly transitioned into a stunningly starry night.

Dining services finished, and me 'nd Gaming traveled to Liyue Harbor to admire the Lantern Rite celebrations at their fullest.


«Look! That kite over there has a funny form».

«A... rice bowl? Pfft- who in their right mind would make a kite shaped as that?» I snorted, curling my nose up for the pleasant breeze that ran through the skin on my face.

The air was full of a warm yellow light, which came from the thousands of lanterns on the streets.

The crowd emanated pleasant whispers and laughters. The prime object of attention was the myriad of soaring kites that some people decided to free in the starry sky. Dozens of different shapes and colors.

I felt the gelid ice I bore within my chest become giggling waters.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gaming smiling.

I bit a chunk out of the honey char siew that me and Gaming took as a takeaway earlier that night, from one of the numerous street vendors who sold piping hot food at the side of the street.

Moral of the story: I burned my tongue. It was more than worth it though, that was the most tasty meal I had in a while. Plus, food tastes better when it's paid by someone else.

I felt a sticky presence on the side of my mouth — probably some crumbs.

Gaming was quick whiping all off with some gentle strokes of his phalanges.

If I happened to be someone able to blush for feelings alone, my cheeks would have become two pink squish balls. But I wasn't, and to not appear like a naïve young thing, that was pretty convenient.

The boy's palm was still on my cheek, caressing it gently.
Now, that was a rather unusual behavior for him: he never crossed boundaries which were never granted to him in the first place.

My hand moved before I could even think.
Feeling a warm pressure that embraced his wrist, Gaming shifted his face; I could feel his eyes fluttering too close to mine.

Too close, too warm, too easygoing for such a situation.

Yeah, he was just messing with me.

Who could have possibly liked kissing an ordinary, boring person like me? I did not even meet the basic beauty standards, with so little time spent taking care of my imagine in comparison to the other human population. And I never had a particular interest in finding a partner either.

But... Apparently Gaming didn't care about that.

Our lips met.

In spite of all the imperfect traits of the human kind, being important to someone else felt good. Especially if that someone was him.

Author's corner

I'm fashionably late but here I am 💃

Requested by: Al3x_N30ma_3clip53

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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