Untitled Part 3

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Fathoms pov

He did something to indigo, those words rang in his head, he mediating sat down and read the scroll. Nothing, absolutely nothing about making a dragon disappear or anything of the sort. 'Mabey she did leave you' his dark thoughts whispered, NO she wouldn't, she wouldn't. Just as he was putting it away, ready to fly he saw something. Their were words that weren't there before, when he help it to the light you could see more enchantments. Invisible ink, these were spell that Darkstalker was hiding from me and Clearsight. Darkstalkers immortality spell, the moonstone earring, all right here, but their was also "Enchant this pebble so that when it rolls into the same room as Indigo the SeaWing, she shall be instantly trapped inside the small wooden carving of a dragon made for me by Fathom." then below that " Enchant this piece of paper to look like a note written in Indigo's handwriting, with a short, believable message saying she's leaving Fathom and not coming back." I couldn't believe my eyes, I ran to the wooden statue. I knew I couldn't break my oath, and darkstalker scroll isn't safe. He grabbed the wooden statue and the scroll and knew he couldn't keep wasting time. He stuffed everything in a pouch and lept out the window, heading away, where darkstalker can't find him. Where no one could find him.

Darkstalker pov

I was flying out with my army behind me. This is the day, we defeat the Icewing army, I will go to the ice palace myself and kill queen diamond if necessary. I landed on the cold sandy ice, my army landed behind me and got into formation. Up ahead a white cloud was headed our way, but it wasn't really a cloud it was the icewing army, and who was leading it? No other than Queen diamond, my grandmother. She landed within fire range of me, risky move. "Shall we discuss why your here tiny dragonet, or shall we demolish you first?" she sneered, her breath cold to my nightwing scales

"That's king Darkstalker to you, and we shall fight first ask questions once your dead." I replied coldly

"Cocky little dragonet, tisk tisk, Everyone Formation! You know the drill" Diamond called. "ATTACK!" I flung myself into the action, my army was directed to stay far away from me, so I don't accidentally get them with my tail band. I swung my tail like a whip back and forth, stopping every icewing in their tracks. I finally reached queen diamond, I wasn't going to use the easy way on this one. I dug my claws into her chest, she flung me off, then blasted my with frost breath, defective against my invulnerable scales, but still freezing cold. I got up and we tussled for another minute, my claws stained with blue icewing blood. I finally got a grip and snapped her neck.

"Back Off!" I called to my troops. They did so, then icewings looked around and saw their dead queen. Shock radiated across their faces. We retreated across the mountains back to the night kingdom.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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