astronomy tower

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I have had a crazy day. My brother theo was
getting on my nerves lately and my 'best
friend' fucked my now-ex boyfriend. I look
at the timetable and realize that I have
classes in an hour.
I take a few joints and shove them in my
pocket to go up on the astronomy tower.

As I'm almost upstairs, I can smell smoke. I
peek in the room and see a boy. I just
wanted to be alone, but I guess it's ok as
long as he shuts up. I go inside.

The guy turns around: "damn you're cute".
"shut up". I just walk to the other side and
light one of my joints. "Aww I struck a
nerve... what's your name sweetheart?", he
smiles. "Don't call me that", I turn around to
face him: "you're really weird".
"I get that a lot", he takes another drag on his cigarette: "so? what is your name? You can
at least answer that". "mmm no thank you..
now please fuck off', I smoke another joint
and turn around so my back is facing him to
look outside.

"c'mon why so salty?", he laughs: "a pretty
girl like you can at least say her name", he
moves closer to you. I take my joint and put
it out on his neck so it burns him really bad:
'I said fuck off'. His expression changes to a
cold and mean look but he doesn't even
flinch with the burnt of the joint. "I guess I
struck a nerve with that pretty girl
comment". I light another joint and turn
back around. "why are you so angry? I'll tell
you can be a very pretty girl but... with that attitude no guy is going to want you", he says with a condescending

"why would I want anyone to want me?", I
say. He chuckles a bit and smiles coldly: "I'd
be willing to bet you never kissed a boy
before". "You don't even know me so don't
make any assumptions"
"but you did say no one would want you... so don't think I'm making assumptions...just
stating the truth", he's smirking. "well
fucking around is great.. but relationships
are at another level", I'm annoyed. "Have
you ever done that?", he asks and his smirk
grows as he's enjoying provoking me.
"mhmm", I nod annoyed.

He looks amused, at the fact that I actually
confirmed something: "you're actually kinda cute... even with that attitude".
"well you're not"
"are you sure?", he tilts his head back and
laughs: "I don't need to put in any effort and
yet I'm getting the reactions I want out of
"that's the best you can muster?", he says in
a mocking tone: "I thought a pretty girl like
you would be able to have better comebacks" ."not gonna waste them on you", I'm getting
genuinely annoyed. "Well you're already
wasting your time talking to me so might as
well", he starts to laugh.

'oh shit", I pur out my joint and go over to
he door: "I have classes in a few minutes. I
can't skip again". He watches as I start to
leave but he catches up to me and grabs my
arm roughly: "you're not getting away that
easily", I push him away and try to leave
again. He catches up and grabs your arm
again: "c'mon let's just have a little fun before class". "wtf eww", I'm genuinely weirded out.
"Don't eww me..I'm sure it'll be fun...if
you play your cards right I could make you
feel things you never have before", he leans
in close to me so I go out the way. "c'mon"
he grabs my arm with both of his hands and
holds me in place: "give me a chance..
what's the worst that could happen?".

That's the last straw so I punch him in his
face. He looks shocked at first but then he
smiles: "that actually was kinda hot", he
chuckles as I start to walk away before he
grabs my arm again. "what the fuck is you're problem", I'm actually mad. He laughs again: "it's entertaining seeing you get so angry...I mean you are quite the hothead but it's still cute seeing you all flustered and stuff...", he gives me a cheeky grin. I look at
him furious. He smiles: "Oh did I strike a
nerve again?", he gets closer to me.
I step back, annoyed.

He grabs my waist: "well you're not going
anywhere..". I try to get away again: "let me
go". "c'mon just one teeny tiny kiss..", he says in a soft voice as he pins me against the wall and get's close to me. "oh fuck it...", we start to kiss.
but not just tiny. He smiles and
laughs: "see that wasn't too tough now was
it?". He leans into me and we make out
again. "you're not so bad after all", he smirks at me, takes my waist and pulls me in for a deeper kiss.
"well you are, so don't be
flattered". He chuckles: "oh and I was just
starting to think you were finally warming up to me too". He pins me against the wall and pulls me in for another kiss.
I remember I got class
so I push him away: "I got class so
bye", I was about to go out the door when he
grabs my wrists: "you can skip one's
not like you haven't skipped before". "yeah
but I skipped the last three classes so ifI do
again I will get detention". I know that I
couldn't resist if he asked another time so I
just leave. On my way to class the only thing
about is him. but these thoughts dissappear
in potions class.

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