Chapter 18 : Happy Birthday !

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Chapter 18 :
| Happy birthday ! |

They arrived at the club. Apparently the Kanima didn't have a scent so it can't be tracked. But it was going to kill someone.

Ariel turned around to look at her friend and crossed her arms. "A werewolf, a witch and a trybrid to catch the Kanima but," she looked at Stiles, "you're not coming in."

Stiles frowned, feeling a mix of disappointment and frustration. He knew he wasn't the strongest of the group, but he also knew he had skills that could be useful in capturing the dangerous creature.

"I can help," Stiles insisted, trying to sound confident. "Scott, come on. I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay ? Sarcasm is my only defence."

"Whatever," Scott sighed at their conversation. "Just help us find it."

"Not 'it'. Jackson." Stiles corrected him.

Stiles spotted the Kanima climbing through one of the club's upstairs windows and then spotted Danny entering the club, realizing the Kanima must be going to kill him.

Scott and Stiles broke in through the back door of the club following by the two girls. The music was blaring and the lights were flashing as they made their way through the crowded dance floor. Scott scanned the room, searching for any sign of the mysterious figure they had been tracking for weeks.

"Dude, everyone here is a dude. I think we're in a gay club," said Bianca with a little laugh.

"Man, nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, huh, Scott and Ariel ?" asked Stiles to his friends.

Scott and Stiles went up to the bar while Ariel and Bianca scanned the room, searching for Danny.

Stiles was miffed when someone paid for Scott's drink and not his. He crossed his arms and pouts, muttering under his breath. Scott chuckled and patted his friend on the back, "Come on, Stiles, it's just a drink. Let it go."

But Stiles can't shake off the feeling of being left out. He scanned the room, looking for someone to buy him a drink.

The girls and Stiles spotted Danny on the dance floor and Scott spotted Jackson/the Kanima crawling along the ceiling right above the boy.

Panic set in as they realize the danger Danny was in. Without a moment to spare, Bianca and Stiles tried to get to Danny trough the crowd while Ariel and Scott tried to get to the Kanima with their claws but everything became obscured do to the smoke machine going off, allowing the creature to took down a bunch of people quickly.

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