chapter one

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My sixth year at Hogwarts, I can't believe this is the second to last time I'll board the Hogwarts Express. It feels surreal to know that I'm already 16 and growing up, sometimes I wish that time would pass more slowly and I could stay young longer, carefree and happy. But none of that would be of any use because the world has changed. To be more precise, the magical world, I don't recognize any of it. Everything is gloomy, everything is foggy and seemingly dry. Even though I can't define it more precisely, it all just feels weird. It's not the familiar place it once was. Well, I'm just trying to make the best of it anyway. My parents haven't accompanied me to the train station for a long time, they think it wouldn't make sense anyway when I'm that old, it would be 'embarrassing' for me. I don't know if it's also because my mother is Muggle-born and my father is a full-blooded wizard, which would have destroyed his family's reputation and that's why they don't want to show themselves, but I also don't want them to do something they don't want to. To be honest I have the feeling that we are no longer a real family anyways, or rather that they don't want me there. We had a lot of stress during the summer holidays, for really banal reasons, and I have the feeling that they'll be happy when I finally move out. Especially my mother. Nevertheless, I'm finally happy to go to Hogwarts again and finally see my friends. But when I arrived at the station there was no one in sight, no Hermione, no Harry, none of them. I was a little surprised, but then I realized that I was there way too early, so I just waited until we met at the agreed location. I missed them all so much, especially Hermione, my best friend since the beginning. I'm proud to call her my friend, she's so smart and always has the best advice. Sometimes she can be too honest, like brutally honest which can really hurt sometimes but hey, at least she doesn't lie to anyone and you can be sure that you're safe with her. From my corner I watched everyone, they all were busy with their friends and basically everyone was laughing, to be honest the little ones from the first year are always the cutest, they don't know anyone and they look so innocent. But then I realized that someone was staring at me and it wasn't just someone, it was Mattheo Riddle. For some reason he wasn't afraid to keep staring at me the whole time, he's a bit scary and we've heard a lot of stories about him. He is like the biggest player in the school, you could say that he had almost every one from Slytherin and even from other houses, of course only those who are full-blooded. God, with this medieval idea that only Purebloods are worth something we're not going to be more modern. As he continued to analyze me, his best friend and also his cousin, Draco Malfoy, came along. One thing I can tell you about him is that he is the literal definicion of an asshole. The two of them are the worst cousin duo there is, my parents said that I should stay as far away as I can from them. My motther told me stories about Dracos father and he was a real dick. But since both of them were now staring at me, I looked at myself from bottom to top, checking to see if I had anything on me that was worth looking at, but I didn't recognise anything. I quickly pulled my hair back, worried it looked ugly. To my relief, my friends finally came, we all hugged each other as if we hadn't just seen each other yesterday and immediately started talking. Our topics of conversation are always interesting, sometimes it's about Voldemort, sometimes it's about love and sometimes it's about the most banal things that you couldn't even imagine. As we were so engrossed in our conversation, Mattheo walked past us and my eyes fell directly on him.

"The train is leaving soon and I want to see you at Hogwarts."

I turned to stone, he meant me, I knew that for sure. When he said that he looked so intensely into my eyes, I didn't know what to do. I hate him so much, I feel like I'm the gray mouse of the group when he's next to me and that's killing me. I don't like the feeling of being the weaker or even defeated next to someone, even if that doesn't make any sense. After our prolonged eye contact, I finally looked away and was able to behave normally. Everyone in the group looked at me confused, but I couldn't even explain to them what had just happened. I think this has become my new horror scenario, the guy is in fact really scary. But his look did something to me, but I can't say exactly what it was. It didn't feel good or bad, but it's still questionable whether it's such a good mix. Luckily no one asked anything, we directly went to the train because it was leaving really soon. As always, we looked for a compartment and happened to be in the part of the train occupied by the Slytherins. It's a really great way to start the day. My eyes went straight to Draco who was checking me out with his gaze. I was about to check myself from bottom to top again but this time I had to stay more confident, I can't push his ego up by appearing insecure. That's what he wants, to make people insecure but I won't let that happen to me, I'm not like my mother. Unlike her, I am strong and can face my enemies. When we were almost through and at the other end of the compartment I was a bit happy, but unfortunately for me I was the one at the back of the row. I wish that no one has as bad luck as me.

All the lies between us (Mattheo Riddle x Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now