chapter two

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We finally arrived at Hogwarts, the train stopped and all we could hear were the excited screams of the younger students and there was no sign of Harry anywhere. When Hermione and Ron wanted to leave I couldn't just go and leave Harry alone, as much as he annoyed me earlier he's my best friend and he's probably in trouble as always. The boy must always be trouble. So I walked through all parts of this train, when I wanted to enter the Slytherin compartment I heard someone, it sounded very fuzzy so I couldn't really recognize the voice, I couldn't see anything either because someone had closed the curtain, I'm sure, almost certain that Harry was involved in this shit, then when I heard a loud crash I just had to step in, but what I found in there shocked me a little. No, not just a little, but a lot. It was Mattheo and Draco, I saw someone lying there on the floor. Or rather, not anyone, but Harry. He had his invisibility cloak on, definitely wanting to spy on them. Now I get the feeling that he has developed something like an obsession with them, I've advised him so many times that he should finally let go of this shit, but no, he's Harry Potter, of course he can't leave anything alone. Then he wonders why all this misfortune always applies to him. I wanted to get past the two of them to help Harry, I think he must have fallen or something if he doesn't move even though he heard that I was here. However, Draco blocked my way and grinned and I knew exactly what kind of grin it was. It's that disgusting, jealous grin that he has perfected when it comes to Harry. He used to always be jealous of him, no matter how many times I said we were just best friends. Well, maybe he was a little right because Harry always had feelings for me, but no matter how many times I said he was just a friend, he kept trying.

"What Scrambler? Do you want to save the Chosen One like always?"

I shook my head, I just couldn't believe how stupid a person could be. After so many months he still can't stop himself from acting like an asshole and the funniest thing is, back then he was the one who cheated on me again and again, left me again and again and never made our 'relationship' public, I remember how he always insulted me in front of others and never admitted that we were together. Unfortunately I was so emotionally independent that I could never leave. The time I was with him, if you can even call it that, was one of the worst, but somehow also the best times in my life. But no one knows that this time even existed, not even Mattheo. He never said it, he was definitely embarrassed by me. How could a Malfoy be with someone like me, a Scrambler. Everyone around him would no longer respect him, his family might kill him. I also think that one of the reasons why he treated me so badly was because I'm not a full blood like him, I'm in Gryffindor and I don't have any special family. In the end I came to the conclusion that this relationship has no future anyway, apart from how he treated me, my family and his family would kill us, that's more than certain. Maybe my family found out about it and that's why they were so hilarious to me, but then again that wouldn't make any sense because it all started in the fourth year and ended halfway through the last. I'll have to think about it later, first I have to help Harry. I took the invisibility cloak away from him and put it in my bag, then I took care of his nose that was obviously broken. He was still a little subconscious, I just wonder how that happened. Mattheo knelt down next to me and looked over my shoulder, laughed again and then leaned over to my ear.

"I wish you would take care of me like that too." he then whispered.

I turned to stone again for a moment, I knew exactly that he noticed that and I also knew that he obviously liked it. That was at least the third time today that he left me so speechless and only because of banal sentences. The bad thing was that I was so confused by his voice, it was deep and manipulative, just like his cousin. I will never make the same mistake as before again, that's more than certain. Once Draco came in handy because he coughed twice, obviously wanting Mattheo to get away from me. And so ladies and gentlemen, the whole time since I left him, not a single boy wants anything from me because I'm 100 percent sure that he scares everyone away from me, even if I'll never prove it I'm just sure because I'll never forget the sentence he said when I wanted to leave. 'You will not get rid of me'. That's why it completely threw me off track when Mattheo said exactly the same thing, I curse that sentence and that asshole was able to ruin it all again. This family remains a mystery to me.

All the lies between us (Mattheo Riddle x Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now