I - welcome to Seattle

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Song recommendation;
there she goes, the la's 

Song recommendation; there she goes, the la's 

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"YOUR HAIR IS LONGER." The oldest of the Shepherd siblings spoke. Interrupting the comfortable silence that lingered in between the two. Anastasia met her brothers gaze, as she finally looked away from the car window. "Well, hair grows." She sighed, her navy colored eyes that was identical to the ones belonging to the man on her side, fell to her hands which rested in her lap.

Her nails picked against the delicate skin of her fingers, as her gaze anxiously and slowly turned back to the view from the car window of her brothers silver Porsche. Anastasia found it wired, how her family who was such fond of traveling had never once stepped foot in the city of Seattle, knowing how big of a fan the only son of the family was of ferry boats, which connected the city in all sides.

"You nervous about tomorrow?" Derek Shepherd asked his baby sister quietly. He knew the answer to his question already. Anastasia Shepherd was usually a very chatty young woman, she never enjoyed silence (only when she was in her own company) she enjoyed talking, laughing and getting to know people. And when she hadn't uttered as much as a whole sentence since he picked her up at the airport. Derek knew she was anxious.

Well, of course she was nervous, she was starting her residency at the hospital he himself worked at tomorrow morning. She was starting her dream, her dream that had been written in the stars from the moment her young eyes fell upon the definition cardiologist.

She only hoped she would be great.

No, not great.


Anastasia let out a loud snicker at her brother's question, "You know, I could ask you the exact same thing. How's the dirty mistress?" The dark haired woman referred to Meredith Grey, the daughter of the nation known surgeon, Elis Grey. Meredith, or the midlife crises as Anastasia and the oldest of the shepherd sisters, Nancy referred to her as. Was her brother's ex girlfriend, girlfriend or casual sex partner, (Anastasia hadn't quite understood the status of them yet, neither had Derek for that matter) and was the one to drive, Addison Montgomery, her brothers wife out of the picture.

If it wasn't clear, the shepherd sisters were no fond of their new 'sister in law'. Instead, they all hoped that Addison and Derek would realize their mistakes and get back together, which was likely not to happen. Seemingly, because Addison had taken her move to sunny Los Angeles and Derek had taken a liking to rainy Seattle.

But still, the youngest of the six siblings held the small glimmer of hope close to her heart. Yes, she was fully aware of Addison's adultery and betrayal that she had committed with Derek's best friend, but Addison had been like another sister to her, she had been involved in her life since she was little. And now she had just disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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