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now playing... lie with you
"met you midnight in my bedroom
we were dancin' under the stars,
so lost in the night
i knew better than to need you
swear i didn't mean to,
but i can't say goodbye"

♡ ♡ ♡

opening the door to his apartment, yunseo dropped his bag on the floor, kicking off his shoes. "ten?" he asked, his person lying on floor, tank top exposing his stomach as he looked up at the ceiling. "hey sexy." he groaned out, hand covering his forehead.

"what are you doing here baby?" yunseo asked, putting his grocery bags on the counter, moving back to get on the floor to kiss ten's lips. "i wanted to bake a cake but yang's busy and kun refused to bake with me again." laughing, yunseo snuggled into his person's side, leaving a gentle kiss on ten's neck.

"mmh, you can bake one with me." yunseo mumbled, eyes fluttering closed as he gently rubbed ten's stomach, ten smiling happily. "i wanna eat cake." he continued, ten kissing yunseo's head. "you can have cake anytime." ten giggled, yunseo rolling his eyes. "stop being horny babe."

the two laughed, yunseo putting his head on ten's chest, kissing the bare skin gently. "i'm so sleepy. works been a pain in the ass." ten frowned, picking up yunseo's chin to gently kiss his lips. "that's supposed to be my roll in this situation."

pulling his head away, yunseo stared at ten, ten laughing. "i'm trying to be sweet baby." grabbing yunseo's face with his left hand, pecking his puckered lips. "mmh you're very sweet yunseo." "cake?" yunseo asked, a bright and almost child-like smile on his face. "get up." happily jumping up, yunseo leaped over to his cabinets and grabbing a box of chocolate cake mix.

"you just have box mix in your house?" ten asked, grabbing the box from yunseo's hands. "my friend gave me a lot of them when he came back from the us." ten got out a bowl from a drawer, putting it on the counter with a grimace. "are you sure we won't die from some, i don't know, chemical poisoning?"

yunseo laughed, grabbing powdered sugar, ten opening the refrigerator door to grab butter for the frosting he wanted to make and milk for the cake. "but ten i have canned frosting-" yunseo frowned, reaching back up only for ten to cut his sentence off with a kiss. "yunseo, you're amazing, but i'm not letting you feed me canned frosting." pouting, yunseo wrapped his arms around ten's waist, leaving kisses on his shoulder. ten dragged yunseo to the oven, preheating it to 177 degrees, going back to his bowl.

"you're baking this." yunseo mumbled, ten nodding. "stay here still, i want you to be here." he asked, yunseo pecking his cheek. "of course baby." yunseo stuffed his face into ten's shoulder, trailing his hands up the front of ten's tank top. ten softly hummed to himself, fools by troye sivan filling yunseo's apartment. "what are you doing?" ten asked, yunseo putting his hands down ten's sweatpants, playing with the waistband of his underwear. "you're so warm ten. i'm just melting into you at this point."

a small laugh came out of his mouth, ten putting his hand on top of yunseo's, checking the batter's consistency. "baby." yunseo said, ten humming. "is the batter done?" he asked, ten nodding. "can you give me a pan babe?" yunseo kissed the nape of his neck, going to a cabinet to grab the circular pan.

"here you go." yunseo smiled, ten kissing his cheek. "thank you lovely." ten slowly greased the pan, pouring the batter in. "time for the cake to go in the oven." he cheered, opening the oven and placing the pan in. "what do we do know?" yunseo asked, ten pulling on yunseo's earlobe. "i have some ideas." yunseo laughed, leaning on the counter. "why don't you tell me some of them?"

ten smiled, grabbing yunseo's wrist and pulling him onto the couch, connecting their lips quickly. yunseo melted into his touch, wrapping his legs around ten's waist. "30 minutes, and then the cakes done." ten spoke, yunseo laughing. "i'm a man of wonders ten." "hmm, really?" yunseo nodded, ten smiling.

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