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now playing... lie with you
"need me, baby
do you need me, baby
when you hold me?
i know it's only just for


"you look so sexy yunseo we might not make it out the front door."

yunseo gagged, his sip of water he attempted to drink from his glass now spit out on the counter. he stared at ten with his mouth opened wide, the words confusing him. "b-babe?" yunseo asked, ten covering a bright smile with his hand. "hmm?" he asked almost innocently, walking forward to unbutton yunseo's blazer.

"o-our date?" yunseo somehow pushed out of his throat, ten quickly connecting their lips to stop the interruption. "what date?" ten laughed, yunseo's blazer now falling on the floor in a sad pile as he pushed it off of his shoulders. "ten baby, we've already rescheduled this date once because of you-know-what, and now you're going to be busy with resonance. i don't think-"

as cliche as ten could be, he shut his lover up by connecting their lips. "you're 23 years old yunseo, say sex." yunseo pulled away, crossing his arms with a dissaproving frown. "if i say it we both get excited like two dogs who hear treat or walk."

ten laughed, hitting yunseo's chest with his left hand. "that is true." yunseo nodded, very used to be correct. he pressed a kiss to ten's lips before fixing the man's jacket, a warm smile on his face. "i'm always right baby." he smiled, ten rolling his eyes as he leaned down to pick up yunseo's blazer. "i hate gay people." ten mumbled, yunseo letting out a shocked noise at the words. "you're sleeping with a gay man ten! how could you say this!"

kissing yunseo's cheek, ten sighed, a bright smile on yunseo's face. "date time now." ten said (contrary to previous statements), yunseo's grin staying on his lips as he looked at ten, his body not moving when ten pulled his hand. "yunseo?" a soft laugh came out of yunseo's mouth as he picked ten up and laid him on the couch, ten protesting loudly as he was pressed against yunseo's chest.

"now i want to delay our date a bit." he whispered, pressing a kiss to ten's lips. "yunseooooo-" ten whined, yunseo's gaze moving from ten's face to his outfit. "you look so pretty ten." he spoke, his hands tracing ten's waist like he was a marble statue.

"what time is it?" ten somehow let the words out his mouth as yunseo started to leave soft kisses on his neck. removing his lips, yunseo checked his watch. "7:45. 45 minutes until our reservation and it takes 15 to drive to the restaurant."

smiling, ten moved his hand to caress yunseo's cheek. "20 minutes to do whatever you want, then we stop." yunseo pouted, ten sighing softly at yunseo's needy behavior, the 180 making ten internally laugh. "why not thirty?" yunseo's eyes begged, ten's mind flowing with dopamine. "because i'll look like crap and i want to look nice for our date." ten replied, fiddling with yunseo's dress shirt.

"you always look nice." yunseo said, kissing ten's nose. "tick tock yunseo." ten replied, yunseo groaning before swiftly connecting their lips, hovering over ten. ten's legs wrapped around yunseo's waist, pushing their bodies closer together.

their lips locked together, soft noises escaping from ten's mouth as yunseo's hands prodded at ten's sides, his dress shirt riding up to show his stomach. yunseo placed his hand on the soft skin of ten's belly, ten inhaling sharply. "holy shit yunseo you make me feel like a god." ten whispered in the break of their connection, yunseo chuckling softly.

"you are a god." yunseo replied, kissing ten's jawline gently. "you're a godlike man." ten smiled, connecting their lips once more, yunseo's head going on an endorphin joyride.


ten was gorgeous.

he drank from his glass of wine, his lips pursed against the rim in an elegant manner as he sipped on the maroon-colored drink. "ten." yunseo said, ten looking up from his glass with a soft smile. "i love you so much." he reached out his hand, grasping ten's with a gentle grip. "i love you too." ten replied, yunseo having to resist from giving him any sort of insane affection.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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