1- "Welcome to Hell"

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On a warm, hot summer day in the bustling town of Los Angeles California, was a young woman, [Name]. Though unlike the city, she wasn't very active. She was currently resting on her old couch in her apartment, scrolling through TikTok videos on her phone.

She let out a sigh, bored, wanting to do something, but broke. She stood up and went to check her fridge, nothing really being in there besides some leftover pizza and a half filled gallon of milk.

She took out the left over pizza and put it on a paper plate, putting it into the microwave and watching as the pizza heats up. She gets a ding from her phone, and opened it.

                      _One new message_
Mateo: hey girlie, Watcha doin?

You: hungry, y?

Mateo: wanna come over and play vid games? I got the new Mario one

You: if there's free food then yes

Mateo: 👍


[Name] takes her pizza out of the microwave and put it back in the fridge, planning to eat it for dinner unless she stole some food from Mateo...that's most likely the case. She stood up and threw on some clothes, just a simple black T-shirt and gray sweats and white tennis shoes. She opened her apartment door and locked it, placing the keys in her pocket and texting for an Uber.

Hopefully the 20 dollars in her pocket was enough to pay off the drive. Soon the black Toyota pulled up to the young woman's apartment complex, honking the horn to get her attention off of her phone

She smiled nervously and opened the back door, hopping in and going back on her phone, plugging in her headphones and listening to her playlist as the driver drove through the chaotic streets of downtown LA.

Forty five minutes later, she found herself and the Uber in a more richer part of town. Parking, the Uber driver held out their hand, waiting for their pay. [Name] pulled out the twenty dollar bill she had been saving and stepped out of the car, for now it satisfied the driver and they drove off.

She walked to the front door of a nice house, opening the door and walking in without knocking. "Mateo? My man where are you?" She asked and walked into the living room, seeing him already having the game set up.

"Hey, ready to get this started?" He smiled and sat on the couch, grabbing the controllers and looked up at [Name].

"Uh yea, but where's the food?" She asked, only there for the food.

"There's some pizza rolls in the oven ya fatass" he jokes and got comfortable on the couch. [Name] rolled her eyes and went to go check on the food in the oven, honestly only there for the food.

She sighed and looked through the ovens glass door, that was until she tensed and heard Mateo scream, followed by a gun shot. Scared, [Name] hit behind the counter, trembling at the thought of someone killing her friend. She heard some voices in the living, putting a hand over her mouth to keep her breathing silent, she slowly inched closer to the sounds, curiosity taking her body over.

Hiding behind one of the hallways wall, she poked her head out and saw...opossums? No no, that was wrong, demons. Three of them. Red skin either a black outfit theme. Two males and one female. They were shorter than [Name], by about one foot.

The tallest one was the male with no hair,  long black and white striped horns, and a black suit looking outfit. Then there was the other guy, white hair and the same horns as the other guy, but he was shorter and his suit looked better put together and he had hooves. The last one was a female. Black cut hair, and horns with smaller white rings around them, and she didn't wear a suit. More like overalls but not really, but she wore all black with slightly ripped pants and had hooves.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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