Chapter 3 morning Sickness

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Izzy's POV

At just 5 weeks pregnant, I was feeling fatigue and my morning sickness started to get bad. All of my favorite dish made me feel sick as well. Every morning I would run to the toilet and threw up while Jake held my hair back and patting my back at the same time.

"Ugh, that darn food." I exclaimed while continually throwing up.

"It's going to be okay, Izzy." Jake told me.

"Shut up, Jake!" I said.

Jake's POV

"Oh brother, mood swings." I said to myself quietly.

"Oh, not again." Izzy told herself as she started to throw up again.

"Hey, are you done?" I asked.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M DONE?!" Izzy yelled.

"Sorry." I apologized.

" OK, you have been throwing up in the toilet for the past 20 minutes , are you done?" I want to know really badly.

"Yes, Jake... I am finally done." Izzy finally answered as she flushed the toilet went to the sink and wash her mouth and hands.

"Great! Now let's go watch a movie in the living room with no Cub."mmher.

"wait, isn't Cubby on another date with Stormy?" Izzy asked.

"Nah, he's just walking around with her." I answered.

"Oh. Anyway, what movie do you have in mind for us to watch?" Izzy exclaimed.

"You pick." I told her as we started to watch The Simpsons movie.

"Hold up a second if your morning sickness began today in the morning and it's still morning. Why are you watching a movie in the morning?" I asked.

"You're the one that said... "great now let's go watch a movie in the living room with no Cubby around." Izzy told me.

"All right, forget the movie let's just talk about it on how we're going to talk Peter soon about this." I suggested.

"Well, I have one option, Jake, let's not tell Peter Pan." Izzy told H
"Uh hello, have you forgotten that I'm the one that forgot to wear a condom?" I reminded her.

"Oh, nice to meet you hello!" Izzy said.

"Ha ha very funny." I exclaimed.

"But I'm being serious hello! I'm just saying, what is Peter Pan tell Xlibris to get an abortion or give up the baby for adoption? I don't want either of those to happen." I explained to my girl.

"So when do you think we should tell Peter Pan about this?" Izzy asked.

" mAre you scared?" I wanted to know.

"Let me think about that Jake... OF COURSE I AM!" Izzy screamed while waving her hands up and down.

"Alright Jesus calm the heck down girl." I told her.

"Hey, if you are scared of telling him, then I'm scared of telling Peter as well." I told her.

"But I know in my heart that we can tell him together." Izzy said.

"But what if he doesn't accept it? What if he doesn't want to be the grandfather of our child?" Izzy asked.

"I don't know, Peter Pan raised us really well... I just I don't know." I answered.

"I don't think we should tell him." Izzy told me.

"And the reason for that is why?" I exclaimed.

"Jacob Alex, Hutchinson, think about it.  if we tell Peter that we're having a baby, then it will be all over." Izzy told me.

" oh, come on I think we should tell him . Yes sure he's going to get mad at first but I promise you that he's going to be happy at the end." I said.

"Yeah, OK whatever." Izzy answered.

It was the next morning inside the hideout. I started to put my arm around Izzy to cuddle her into be by that's when my arms landed on an empty mattress.

"Huh? That's strange. Where is Izzy?" I asked myself as I knew one place she could have gone... the bathroom again to throw up.

As I ran to the bathroom after getting up on the mattress, there, she was Izzy, throwing up in the toilet again. So, i got down on knees and held her hair back while she did her thing.

"God I hate morning sickness." Izzy said as I patted her back.

"Shush, it will be over soon." I told her.

"I said it yesterday , and I'll say it today... SHUT UP JAKE!" Izzy exclaimed.

"No!" I yelled back.

"Look, do you want me to be here with you or not?" I asked.

"Yes, please be with me." Izzy answered.

"Then stop telling me to shut up. I know you have morning sickness, but still come on." I told her.

"Sorry, Jake." Izzy apologized.

"I just can't believe you've got me pregnant at a young age at 17!" Izzy told me.

"Just be glad that we're having a baby." I said.

"Yeah, I am glad. I'm also happy that cubby and stormy I'm going to be an uncle and aunt to our child." Izzy exclaimed.

"Me too." I answered.

"What do you thing our baby will look like?" I asked.

"Probably a mini you haha." Izzy told me.

"Oh boy another me." I said with delight.

"Or a mimic you, Izzy," I exclaimed.

"Aww cute." Izzy said.

"I feel like this will be the start of something new, my handsome boyfriend." Izzy told me.

"Hi, little one, we will see you soon. Your Mommy and Daddy will be waiting.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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