
34 1 1

sorry it's been so long honestly I have no excuses



It had been three days since Jack and I first talked, and lately we'd been hanging out a lot more.

He'd explained more about his situation with Alex and I was determined to find out how Alex felt.

I would tell him about Jacks feelings, but I'd figure out someway to see if he'd at least give it a thought.

Michael still hadn't talked to me since the day he'd been an asshole about Alex and I honestly didn't mind. I was going to apologise first. I didn't do anything.

Alex had left the tour, promising to keep in touch and keep us updated on his mom.

At the moment, the boys were about to go up on stage. All Time Low had already played. No matter how upset I was with Michael, I wouldn't miss the show.

Jack, Rian, and Zack all stood next to me, Alex was who knows where.

"Good luck, guys. Rock out, Kay?" I grinned.

"What she said!" Rian chirped as they grabbed their guitars.

"Thanks guys," Ashton said, twirling his drum sticks.

"Boys! You're on! Go, Go!" Gabe yelled as Alice shook her head next to him.

Matt Flyzik, All Time Low's manager, stood next to them talking to, oh there he is, Alex.

"Good luck, Boys!" I yelled to them before casually walking over to Alex.

"Yeah, okay but that's the problem, she can't come in tour with us, Alex! There is just no room for her," Flyzik stated, tapping away on his phone.

As I stood, unnoticed, I wondered how he could multitask like that. I can barely talk and do my makeup at the same time.

"Oh come on, Flyzik! Scarlet can sleep with my on my bunk!" Alex shot back.

"She'd be bored to death! Being the only girl here!" Flyzik sighed.

I took this moment to awkwardly cough my way into the conversation.

They both looked over at me, Alex's eyes lighting up at the sight of me.

"Journey! Journey's here! Scarlet wouldn't be the only girl!" Alex said to Flyzik, turning to me once more, "I'm trying to convince him to let Scarlet, my girlfriend, join us on tour. You need another girl. Tell him you need another girl!"

I was about to turn and tell Flyzik that I needed another girl, even though I really didn't, when I remembered Jack.

"Actually I'm good with you guys and Alice, plus isn't Cassadee Pope joining soon because Rian?" I ignored Alex's glare as Flyzik's face now lit up.

"That's exactly right. Cass is joining and then there will be even less room," He said.

Alex huffed at us and stomped off.

I laughed as Matt sighed.

"No one really likes Scarlet," he said and that explained everything.

I just giggled more as he walked off to do something, somewhere.

"JJ!" I turned at the sound of Jack's voice.

"Yes, Jacky?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow, "Jacky?"

"You have a nickname for me, I wanted one for you and Jacky is all I can come up with at the moment," I explained.

He just laughed, "I like it."

"Anyways, what did ya need, pal?" I asked as we sat side stage and watch 5sos jam

They were currently playing Kiss Me Kiss Me.

"So, I've decided I want to tell him how I feel, and if it doesn't work, then I'll have to get over it. I'm not young forever, right?" He said, fumbling with his fingers, staring intently at the show.

"I'm proud of you, Jack."

He turned to me, fear in eyes. I knew he was terrified.

He grabbed my hand, dragging me away from the show and into a dressing room of some sort.

As soon as he closed the door behind us, he wrapped his arms around me tightly, hugging me.

I felt his body start to shake. He sobbed into my shoulder as I hugged him back just as tight.

"I'm so scared, JJ. But I have to tell him. I have to tell him I love him because if I don't do it now it'll only get worse and I'll just end up heart broken and the band will split up and I don't want that to happen and I-" He stopped and just continued to sob.

"Jacky, it's gonna be okay. I'll be there for you every step of the way," I said, rubbing his back.

He pulled away, sniffling and rubbing his eyes, which were now red and puffy.

"I know it's just that... What if Alex hates me after this?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"Jacky, Alex isn't gonna hate you, I promise. He's your best friend. You two have been through thick and thin together. If anything, it'll be awkward for a few days, but he'll get over it," I tell him.

He nods his head as a knock comes at the door.

Alex walks in.

"Hey Journey, the shows over, Michael's looking for you- Jack? What's wrong?"

"I, hum.. well.." Jack stuttered looking to me for help.

"Jack needs to talk to you, I'm going to find Michael." I say and walk out of the room before Jack can say anything.

I walked down the hallway, looking throw open fm doors trying to see if I could spot Michael.

"Journey!" A familiar voice called out.

I turned to see Rian Dawson running towards me.

"Hey, RiBear! Did ya need something?"

He just shook his head and grabbed my arm, dragging down the long corridor he just came from and out the 'Exit' door, into the cool nighttime air.

Outside, Calum and Luke were standing there.

"She's all yours now," Rian said, handing me over to Calum, who also grasped my arm, Luke grasping the other.

"Follow us," Luke said, starting to walk away and Rian walked back into the venue.

We walked to the bus where Zack and Ashton stood, holding flowers and a gorgeous dress.

"These are for you, madam," Zack said, hanging me the flowers.

"Go inside the bus, put this on, and meet us back out here in ten minutes, okay?" Ashton said, shoving the dress at me.

I only nodded, not understanding what was going on, but deciding to go with it anyways.



on the next chapter HAHAH

don't kill me I love you all oaky

please be patient


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