6 - Liminality, Dereality

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You have regained your consciousness, you have been sleeping for a long time. At first, it was dark. You cannot see anything. However, you can move one of your limbs. You try to grab onto anything that is near you and find someone's hand. The owner of the hand panicked and screamed.

Turns out you've been in a coma for a few years. No one has been visiting you a year after your initial coma. After recovering all of your nerves and such, you remember people in your life. Your parents... Where did they go? They aren't even with you when you get into your coma. What has truly happened to them?

You came home. Your house is rather abandoned. It's all dirty. No one took care of it. Wandering around the house looking for clues seems to be a solid option. While looking for one, you stumble upon a locked drawer. You tried to force it open but you're weak. You require a tool to achieve the goal, looking for a key would be impossible as the house is too dirty and messy for you.

Luckily, you were able to find a crowbar in the basement.

But it wasn't the only thing you found. You found an album. It might contain the memories of your past, but you decide to open it later.

Using the crowbar you brought out, you force the locked drawer open. Inside, it contains many documents, one being the data of your family. You immediately bring the document and album to the living room due to how bright it is compared to the other rooms. You first open the album.

It contains...

Only blank pictures.

Weirdly enough, your parent's names aren't listed. The only picture you've got is you taking a picture in your bedroom holding a knot. Did you attempt suicide? Why is he put into a coma instead? The picture doesn't only contain that, it contains a distorted figure. The person can't be unidentified. Is it even a human?

You try to brush it off by opening the family document.

What do you find?

The names of your parents were crossed out and your supposed siblings is written on is deceased. You are confused.


How did you not know this?

Why are you abandoned?


You suddenly felt pain in your chest and neck. It was immensely painful that you collapsed to the floor. You lay there powerless, cannot move at all. The pain gets worse as it reaches your head.

Once all subsided, you feel nothing. No pain, no thoughts. You only know where to go. With only that thought, you walk through the streets and alleyways. No matter how bad the situation or condition you are facing.

Rain, snowing, storms, burning heat, and more extreme weather. Nothing will stop you as you feel no fear or pain.

You have finally arrived at the location. It's a hill. A hill nearing the ocean.





You can't resist the urge to jump. You don't like the life you have and there's nothing you can do about it.


Why think later? You don't have anything left.


No one remembers you, and neither anyone will.


You are a worthless, replaceable person.


Subside those passions for life and suffering pain to end it all.


You finally jumped, it was only a matter of seconds until you reached the first layer of water and disappeared from everyone. You land head-first and your mind becomes lighter and emptier the deeper you go.

You are slowly losing consciousness and the pain of suffocating slowly disappears.

Once you close your eyes, you don't see anything. Your senses are disappearing and you feel glad as everything will soon be gone.





Glowing eyes.

It appears within the darkness.

You float within the dark abyss.

Accompanied by a pair of glowing eyes.

It's the same distorted being from the picture.

Why is it here?

The person holds your hands.

It says...

Your life...

Cherish it.

You woke up from the dream. Your room is the same as before initially slept. You check your neck and notice a seam on your neck. You remembered. You did attempt it. It's not a dream.

Why does that dream keep repeating?

Who is that being?

You don't know anything. However, all you have to do is keep on living.

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