7 - Cafe

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It's another day, another day to work. Work as what to be exact? You work for an organization, the pay is a lot with a high risk of death. You pay no attention to the risk. Scouting the area with your motorcycle is what you often do. The vehicle is somewhat distinct from the average design of motorcycles, it's blue with a spade as the front accessory.

While scouting, you came across a horde running from something in fear. You found out there's a monster attacking them. The head shares a similarity to an elephant, the body is covered with black armor. The armor itself is rather something that can be found in the Roman era. Its eyes glow green with the terrifying elephant skull as its helmet.

You pull out a device from your jacket and insert a card into it. The device floats around you before attaching to your hips. You strike a pose before pulling a lever.

You transformed into an indigo warrior paired with silver armor. You fight the monster with your blade, your attacks clash with the monster's attack pattern. The monster's weapon, chained mace, was swung rapidly, making it hard for you to land your hit. Then you remember, you have a ranged attack. You pull out a card from your blade and slide it on the scanner of your blade. Lightning imbues your blade and it flows through the air, reaching the elephant monster and disorients it.

Taking this chance, you scan three cards to create a combo attack. Kick, Thunder, and Mach cards are combined and create a devastating attack.

Lightning Sonic

You ran over the monster and sent it mid-air. It continues with you jumping and landing a lightning-imbued kick. The monster explodes from the attack and the buckle on its hips opens, prompting it to be sealed. You pull out a blank card from your sword and throw the seal card at it. The card absorbs the monster and turns it to be yours to use.

Suddenly, the ground becomes distorted as the day becomes dark, and the sky eventually disappears. The armor you break off and dissolve into the air. A figure appears next to you and takes the card.

"Enjoying your dream?" the figure speaks.

The card breaks like glass and falls into the void below. The face of the figure can't be described as it is distorted.

"You... Who are you?" you ask the question you are willing the answer, the figure only smiles to you.

You have noticed that everything is a dream, well for now where you are. You feel danger might harm you, and you try to run but you are moving to nowhere. The figure rotates your body and touches your heart.

You wake up from the dream. You have been asleep since earlier this morning and forgot to open the cafe you run.

You check the calendar, it is another weekend. You know what's best to do? Work!


Doesn't sound as fun as it is.

Being a high schooler and an employee is normal for those who lack money or need extra of them. You are the only barista working at a small cafe far away from your home. The payment is enough to live for another week. As for taxes and such, somehow you don't have to pay them for the next 10 years. Were your parents that rich? No one knows.

The door of your hangout place is opened, letting the hot burning magma-like sensation hit you in the face from the sun shining its molecules at you. You closed the door again.

Maybe I'll just keep it close and turn on the AC

You finally opened your cafe. Your cafe is described by customers as "a cafe filled with expensive collections". Well, those "collections" are mostly figurines and G*npla. They are indeed expensive. The cafe was owned by your mother but since her disappearance, you had to take over.

You prepared the ingredients for your products. After the preparation, the day went normally as every week should. Not many customers but enough to pay the rent. You eventually got bored with it. Brewing the coffee variations is a tad bit boring as every coffee you make is similar to others.

You take out one of your many collections and it's a belt. Well, a toy belt to be precise. The latest customer has left, so you have no problem with doing this. The toy belt is equipped, and the buckle of the belt is colored in metallic red. It's supposed to be a budget-level toy but you upgraded it to match the high-grade one. To make it even better, you equipped your headphones to enhance your transformation with the soundtrack from the show.

You hold out a black USB and click the button available. Joker! It emits sounds too. The USB is inserted into the buckle and the sound of the stand-by is mesmerizing to listen to as how greatly it sounds.

"Transform," you said and flipped the switch-like feature on the buckle. The USB emits a purple light on the buckle and the audio of the transformation sounds like an orchestra.

"Alright, time to count up your sins!"
You point in front of you as you are cosplaying the main character.

Just right after you said that a clapping sound is heard from the entrance. You look to your right and find Seele fascinated on how you cosplay the character. "That was so cool, Y/N!" she said.

You hide behind your counter, embarrassed by how you were caught by your girlfriend.

Seele came up to you and tap your back, saying that you shouldn't be embarrassed by it. Both of you sit behind the counter for a while until you were ready once again. After that awkward moment, Seele waits in front of the counter.

"What's your order, lady?~"
You said as you hold the hat on your head.

Seele plays along before deciding which to order.

After brewing the sweet latte she ordered, you sat next to Seele who was enjoying her coffee in the afternoon. Seele smiles at you after tasting the latte you made. "Sorry if I suddenly came by unnoticed" She apologized for the sudden visit even though she didn't need to. "Visit me at any time when you feel like it, Seele." You said assuring her freedom to visit you.

"How did you find me working here anyway?" You ask. Seele awkwardly answers, "Veli told me about this greeting card when she visited you during nighttime." she says as she shows you the card. The card itself is an unused card that was meant to be used to recruit employees but only got one and the recruit is absent for a few days, giving you a reason to return to your cafe and earn some money.

While talking about several interesting topics, Seele noticed a mark around your neck. She only smiles as if she knows the reason you got that mark. Due to the lack of customers and the sun starting to sink, you decide to close the cafe for the day. After locking the cafe, you packed Seele freshly brewed cappuccino for her and Veli.

Before you can give her your gift, Seele pulls your hips and wraps you up in her arms. Seele places her hand on your chest as she hugs you gently.

"Please, take care of yourself. I'll be there if you need me. I love you."
She says.

You were left content thanks to her comforting hug. Both of you split ways as the homes are fairly ranged from each other.

Living until the end is the only choice and for her sake.

[I forgot to publish this chapter]

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