you're my, my, my lover.

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"we can find our own place to live."

the words leave her before she can think better of it. the undercroft echoes with her words. morgan wrings her hands together, already regretting her suggestion and anticipating sebastian's reaction.

"or, er, or i can tell professor weasley that I can't stay with her for the summer... and go with you. to feldcroft." she tries instead, not ignoring the way he flinches at the mention of the hamlet.

"i wouldn't want you to miss out on her lessons," he says quietly, keeping his eyes downcast to the floor. he doesn't feel like he deserves to look at her, let alone be in her presence. he's so different from the confident, flirtatious boy she met at the beginning of the year.

morgan frowns, but tries for a little smile to help lighten the mood, "i could always look over your old textbooks." she doesn't want to mention the unforgivables, how he taught her the spells, but... "if i truly need help and direction i could always write her or i could ask you. "

he doesn't respond, likely remembering the three spells he taught her, remembering the one he had to cast on her. the guilt etches into his face, his frown deepening.

sebastian changes the subject.

"if we... were to find our own place to live... where... where would we go?"

morgan steps closer to him, waiting for his okay before she touches him, arms around his waist as she hugs him tightly. "i was thinking a hamlet in the area. maybe... upper hogsfield, brocburrow, or maybe keenbridge? i'm partial the upper hogsfield and keenbridge, though. they remind me of fairytales." morgan smiles, looking up at him.

sebastian melts into her, meeting her bright eyes with his own sad, guilty ones. he's grateful she's stuck by his side throughout all of this. the one star in his sky that hasn't dimmed and left him. "i'll go wherever you go, morgan."

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