always the fool with the slowest heart

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Ominis has a very bad feeling about this.

He doesn't need sight to see the extent of Crucio casted on Morgan. He can hear it just fine to unfortunately satiate his lack of eyesight. He drops to her side to help her up, his knees hitting dank and damp stone roughly, his hands patting at her arms to get a good and secure grip on her, his brows knitted close and lips turned down in a frown. Morgan grunts and clutches onto him, gasping for breath.

"Are you alright?" He asks her quietly, gently. The way he wished someone would have asked him in the aftermath of feeling the curses effects himself.

Morgan nods and then, "Yes, Ominis." Her voice is soft, softer than usual, quiet and hoarse.

Almost as if in an afterthought, Sebastian looks over at her when the door glows red and melts away. Like he's just now taking into account the pain he caused her.

(The darker part of him rationalizes it with a snide "Well, she asked for it! And if not her, then you'd be the one writhing in pain on the floor!")

"Are you okay?"

"Of course she's not okay!" Ominis answers on her behalf--she's still twitching as it wears off, breathing labored. Morgan nods her head despite Ominis' defense.

"I... I'll be fine," she croaks. "Just... Come on." Morgan sighs, holding her side (it makes Sebastian sick to his stomach, the way she looks so much like Anne like this--doubled over in pain and her hair tied back in a bun similar to Anne's). "Let's find what we're here for and leave." She wipes sweat on the back of her sleeve and doesn't meet Sebastian's eyes for the time they're in the Scriptorium.

When they leave, Ominis tears into both of them, though he really just tells--orders--Morgan to get to the hospital wing and have Nurse Blainey take care of her.

Once he turns to head into the Slytherin common room after bidding them both a clipped goodnight, Sebastian whirls on Morgan and takes her hand.

"What are you doing?" She frowns, not fighting the way he looks over her, concern etched deep into his brows and in the downturn of his lips.

"I'm sorry." He says simply and pulls her into him, his arms wrapping around her tightly as he squeezes her into a bone-crushing hug.

Morgan wants to be mad. Wants to shove him away and be childish. But his shoulders are trembling and he's never cried in front of her before, so she wraps her arms around him, too. Softens the harsh shake of his shoulders and presses her nose into his robes.

"It's okay." She whispers. "I'm fine, it's--"

"It isn't!" He grips her tighter, grabbing fistfuls of her blue plaid vest. "You could've gotten seriously hurt and all I did was care more about the stupid Scriptorium being opened." One of his hands finds its way to the back of her neck, twisting the loose brown locks from her bun between his fingers she's started wearing and grips the back of her neck gently.

Morgan can't help the way her body reacts to him and his hands on her skin, twisted in her hair, but she knows she thoroughly enjoys it. Even more so when he presses his lips to her forehead and not so subtly inhales the minty scent of her shampoo.

"I wish I could sneak you into my dorm," he confesses quietly, pulling her into a less open part of the hallway, "instead of walking you to the Tower or to Blainey."

It doesn't escape Morgan, the hidden meaning of his words, what he's truly feeling and implying. What he truly wishes he could voice--I wish I could keep you safe; to myself.

Not for the first time, Morgan has to remind him that, "I'm not frail, Sebastian. You of all people should know I'm capable of holding my own." She doesn't say it unkindly, with how soft her voice always is, it's really hard for her to play Bad Cop.

Sebastian presses her against the wall--whether to keep her still and safe and within his eyesight, away from everyone else, or to change the direction of the mood and situation, he doesn't quite know--and cups her cheeks. "I know, but that doesn't mean I can't still care and worry for you." He searches her eyes. Finds himself and all he wants to say reflected in her eyes, but in her voice and her words. What he wouldn't give to hear Morgan say all she felt right now. Or ever. "I need you to stay safe, Morgan. Please."

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