-Alastors tail-

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Also I am so grateful for all the reads this is my first ever book so enjoy. Btw this is after the fight with Adam so this setting will be inside of alastors new radio tower/his new room.

One early morning in hell alastor has gotten out of his bed and had gotten dressed for the day.
He is heading to the elevator to go into the lobby to see how everyone is doing this early morning.
When he makes it to the lobby he sees the normal thing he sees everyday. Husk being sober, angel flirting with husk, and cherry talking to angel.
Charlie is in the kitchen cooking breakfast with her beloved girlfriend Vaggie. Alastor decided to lay on the couch and read a simple chapter book. About a few minutes later Lucifer walks into the lobby and sits at huskers bar. Alastor watches Lucifer as he walks in huskers direction and sits on one of the stools. Lucifer and angel then start talking about something but alastor ignores it and continues reading his book.  After a few moments of Lucifer and Angel talking they soon walk over to Alastor.  Angel tells Alastor that if he can't answer the question he is about to give him then he has to let Lucifer pet him.  Alastor agrees and angel gives him the question. "Would ya rather fuck someone or get raped by someone?" Alastor gives a glare at angel for asking this absurd question. Alastor hesitates to answer. After a few minutes go by Alastor accepts defeat and motions Lucifer to get on the couch and get it over with. Lucifer's eyes sparkle with happiness and joy. He runs over to the couch and gets behind alastor and starts to pet Alastor.  Alastor purrs as Lucifer pets alastor.  A few minutes go by and Lucifer notices movement under Alastors coat.  Lucifer lifts up Alastors coat and finds a fluffy little deer tail hidden under his coat wagging up and down. Lucifer's eyes sparkle. Lucifer then asks the deer demon if he has a tail.  Alastor is surprised by the sudden question. "Why do you think that my dear" alastor asks. Lucifer then says "I saw it wagging while I was petting you a moment ago.
Alastor denies it but Lucifer knows he is lying because his ears had dropped down.  Lucifer confronts alastor for lying and tells alastor to take his coat off. Alastor hesitates but after a few moments of silence alastor takes his coat off revealing a fluffy little deer tail hidden behind the coat.  Angel laughed but alastors eyes then turned into radio dials and then looks at angel telling him that he will rip him limb from limb if he continues to laugh.  Angeldust then tries to stop laughing as he is walking back to the bar where he then continues to flirt with husker while he is cleaning bottles.  Alastor then turns back to normal and then Charlie walks into the lobby telling everyone that breakfast is ready. Nifty stops in her tracks dropping the needle she was using to stab roaches and other little pests around the hotel and runs over to Charlie who is then walking back to the kitchen. Alastor and Lucifer then start to walk to the kitchen. While they are walking alastor grabs his coat and slips it back on.
During breakfast Lucifer teases alastor by saying "big bad overlord insecure that he has a tail~" Alastor then glares at the king but soon looks away and continues to eat.  A few hours after breakfast Lucifer and alastor decide to get a few drinks at huskers bar.  A few minutes into drinking Lucifer is a little bit tipsy while alastor is a lightweight and is already sober. Lucifer laughs at alastor as alastor passes out at the bar. Husker has had a long morning so he just tells Lucifer to bring alastor elsewhere and deal with him.  Lucifer picks up alastor bridle style and starts to walk his way to the couch. Though he is a short king he is pretty strong for his size. Lucifer then lays alastor onto the couch and lifts up alastors head and sits down. He then drops alastors head to lay peacefully on his lap while Lucifer grabs a book off of the little nightstands next to the couch. Lucifer reads for a while. While alastor is still passed out on Lucifer's lap Charlie walks into the lobby and sees alastor on Lucifer's lap with his ears drooped down on his head peacefully sleeping from the amount of alcohol he had consumed.
Charlie's eyes sparkle because she has never seen alastor in such a vulnerable state. She then walks up to Lucifer and asks what has happened to alastor while she was cleaning up the kitchen.  Lucifer then replies to her question by saying that he had a little too much alcohol and passed out at the bar. Charlie thanks her father for answering her question and walks away. Lucifer then continues reading his book until angeldust has walked over and started being horny with Lucifer. Lucifer have angel a glare but decided that he was going to ignore angels horny ass talking. Angel soon gets bored and heads back over to husker.  Lucifer is finally back to his peaceful state with the deer demon resting peacefully on his lap.  Alastor soon wakes up a few hours later with a slight hangover. Alastor groans as he gets blinded by the hotel's lights.  Lucifer chuckles and says good morning to the deer demon. Alastor gets startled and falls off the couch.  Lucifer laughs but after a brief moment of laughter Lucifer helps alastor back onto the couch.  Lucifer then lays alastor back into the position where alastor was lying on the couch and his head was on Lucifer's lap. Lucifer then starts to pet alastor's fluffy hair and ears as alastor purrs as Lucifer is doing so.  Lucifer's face turns a light shade of pink as alastor purrs at Lucifer's sudden affection.  Lucifer then looks at the clock and notices that it's pretty late. Lucifer grabs alastor and carries him to his room on the opposite side of  alastor's radio tower/room on the top floor. Once he makes it to the duck filled room he lays alastor on his bed and proceeds to make off alastors coat and shoes because  Lucifer does not allow shoes on his bed revealing alastor's deer hooves. Lucifer then changes into sleepwear and lays down next to alastor and the couple slowly drift off to sleep.

Alright that concludes this chapter off radio apple and I'm so sorry for not posting in ahwile. So hope this makes up for it because it is long and the word count is 1139 words. See you next time💕

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