~An unexpected visitor~

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Here is the next chapter and tysm for so many reads and I'm very grateful for those who take the time out of their day to read this shit so let's get onto the chapter💕

Alastor wakes up with bed-head hair and struggles to get up because Lucifer is cuddled up against Alastor.
Alastor blushes a light shade of pink seeing the king in such a cute but vulnerable state. He gets up without waking the king and heads downstairs to see Charlie at the kitchen making some wonderful breakfast.  Alastor offers to help but Charlie refuses and continues to cook breakfast for the staff. Alastor decides to take a rest on the couch in the lobby of the hotel.

(Alastors room)
Lucifer wakes up and looks around. He notices that he is in alastors room. He wondered on how he got there but brushed it off and headed downstairs to see what the others were doing.

He was soon to be greeted by a wonderful smelling aroma that smelled like a plate filled with pancakes with syrup topped off with a tiny piece of butter. Lucifer can't wait to dig in to a tasty plate of pancakes but he spots alastor on the lobby couch.  He walks over to alastor and greets him. He sits next to alastor. Alastor is reading his book. Lucifer pushes the book away so he could get a view of alastor and start a little chat with Alastor. They hear a knock on the door and Lucifer gets up off of the couch to go answer the door.  When they open the door he sees Adam but with a more demonic appearance.  Adam pushes Lucifer out of the way and lets himself into the hotel.  Nifty runs over to Adam with the little dagger (idk what it's called I'm not good at remembering names) Charlie had given her.   Adam uses his wings to fly high enough to where
Nifty could not get him.  Lucifer glares at Adam but he knows that he can beat his ass whenever he wants so he's not too worried about Adam messing up the hotel.  Charlie walks out of the kitchen and tells everyone to head to the dining room so they can eat.

(Dining room)

When everyone got into the dining room Adam was seated far away from the other so he does not cause any "trouble" or tension between the others.
Lucifer is given a plate of pancakes with a side of eggs while alastor is given a plate of venison and other fresh meats. The rest of the staff got the normal breakfast wich it consisted of eggs,bacon,pancakes,and a piece of a waffle.
Everyone stated to eat their delightful breakfast that Charlie had given them.
After breakfast everyone had gone to do their own thing that they were originally doing up around the hotel. Charlie had decided to have a talk with Adam and on how there were specific rules on how not to destroy the hotel and not to pick fights with the staff or residents of the hotel.   After their "little" talk they went to go and continue cleaning up the plates and cleaning them for tomorrow. Adam was assigned a room to stay in. Lucifer and alastor decided to continue their talk in the lobby.


Lucifer and Alastor sat back onto the couch and continued their talk about how they were in the mortal world and how many murders they had committed (or it was mostly alastor talking about his murders because Lucifer didn't spend much time in the human world) Alastor started to talk about how he used to be a famous radio host in New Orleans
And how he would get the joy about talking about the murders he had committed. Lucifer was amused by alastors stories and interested in how his life was before he came to hell.  Alastor started to talk about his mother and her wonderful recipe of homemade jambalaya that she had shared to him when he was a little child in the 1930's.
He was grateful to have a wonderful mother like her but if there was one person he hated more than Vox it would be his father.  His father was an abusive man and he would hurt and torture alastor for looking at him funny and how he would "disrespect his father" by not appreciating him supporting his family.  Alastor was happy when he finally got to move out but felt bad leaving his mother with his racist and abusive father.  Alastor then ended his story and asked Lucifer on how hell was before the extermination. Lucifer said that it was peaceful and relaxing. Lucifer had just started building a civilization in hell for the demons that were already there when hell had just started. And then soon enough pentagram city started to form. More and more demons started to appear in hell so that ment that more places had to be built. After a few years overpopulation started to happen and Lucifer had agreed to the offer by heaven to send angels down there yearly to kill the demons to reduce the population in hell. But now that the extermination was felt with and heaven didn't get too carried away by the yearly killing demons shit Lucifer decided to end the deal with heaven and stop the yearly extermination.  The pairs conversation got interrupted by Adam barging into the lobby and walking up to the two. Adam started to speak in his disrespectful attitude and mean tone. Alastor got tired of this and politely asked Adam to go away so they could continue the conversation the two were having.  Adam scoffed and headed over to the bar to annoy husker and get a few drinks instead.
Lucifer and Alastor continued their conversation with one another until Lucifer had to head back to
His room and do some shitty paperwork that was given to him.  Alastor decided to read a
Book and wait until he had to do shit himself as a
Radio host that didn't take long.  Alastor was heading up to his tower and he thought of the talk the two had he hoped they could do it again sometime soon.

I'm going to end this chapter here and I hope I can write another one soon but I've been busy with work so it's going to be a little bit until then stay tuned and enjoy this book as much as you can🥰
See you next time.  (Word count 1097 words)

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