Chapter 10

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       "What are you going to do?" "I'm going to see if I can aim for that mango from here" "That's too far away" Jaison took a stone from the ground as he aimed straight at the mango. He threw the stone and the mango fell down from the branch "Omg you did it" You lifted your hand so that Jaison could give you a high five . You were sitting on Jaison's bed as he was thinking of what else to do test his powers. He looked up at the fan. You looked at him "Jaison what are you thinking of doing?" You asked him unsure on what is he probably thinking of doing with the fan. Jaison lifted his hand up to stop the running fan "DON'T DO IT" You closed your eyes with both of your hands. All you could hear was silence so you opened your eyes to look at Jaison holding the fan. You looked at him with your mouth wide open as you chuckled softly. You got up and wrapped your arms around his neck "That was amazing you're amazing" Jaison wrapped his arms around your torso as he smiled victoriously. He pulled away and walked upto a wall. He punched the wall with all the strength he had . You and Jaison looked at each other as the wall stayed the same. Jaison was looking at his hands as you tapped him on the shoulder. You pointed to the wall that was now cracking up. You grinned and side hugged Jaison "Bestie you're gonna save this village from the bad guys" You laughed making him smile. He looked down at you lovingly. You were still looking at the wall in amusement like a little kid. "You're so cute (Y/n)" "Thanks" You winked at him making him turn a bright red. "Now....let's see if I can collect all this utensils swiftly" He arranged the utensils one on top of the other and hit the table from down. Before the utensils could touch the ground Jaison with a speed of a lightning collected them all "You've got super speed too Jaison" "Yessss" He kissed you on the cheek out of excitement. You looked at him awestruck. His sister was knocking on the door as he opened it. "Where are my utensils?" "They're all here" She peeked and looked at the utensils arranged on one on top of the other "Hi" You waved at her as she smiled at you "Did the lightning turn you into a nut case or something?" Jaison just smiled wide "Yours and (Y/n)'s kids should be playing in this house Jaison not you and her.Give me back my utensils" Jaison blushed as she said that "I'll bring them you go sister" "Hmm...someone is blushing" Jaison couldn't control his smile as he told her to leave.

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