Chapter 12

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       You and Josemon looked at Jaison who was holding his hand infront of him as he tried to make the pebbles fall off with his mind. "I think you don't have telekinesis" You said as Jaison sighed and dropped his hand down "Maybe you're right" He said and tried to make it work again but yet again he gave up. "Come let's go I don't have that power"

      "(Y/n) Jaison has come to meet you" Your mom called out to you "Yes mom I'm coming" Your mom was talking with Jaison as you walked out of the house "Yes Jaison what is it?" "(Y/n) you wanna come to the fair with me?" "Is that even a question I'll go out anywhere with you Jaison" Jaison smiled "Let me just get ready come and sit inside" "It's okay I'll wait here" "Just come" You pulled him by his hand "Sit I'll be back in 5" He nodded "Mom I'm going to the fair with Jaison" "Sure be back by lunch" "Okay" "Shall we go?" You asked Jaison . He nodded and got up from the couch to join you. You intertwined your hand with his as you both walked to the fair.

      You and Jaison joined Josemon and Jaison's sister at the fair. "Uncle look you should try that gun shooting game" "I'm not interested" "Just go" You pushed him to go and play the game. He smiled at you "Anything for you" Jaison winked and walked upto the game stand. He paid for the game and picked the gun up. He shot all the balloons tied up in a blink of a second. You and Josemon grinned looking at each other while his sister was looking at him with a stunned expression on her face. Then he played a dart game in which he hit bullseye with all 5 arrows "Next which game do you want me to play?" You looked around as you saw a ring game stand. "There" You pointed to that stand "Ooo I want that teddy bear" You pointed to a teddy bear "Please throw the ring over that pleaseee" Jaison pulled one of your cheeks "Okayy baby" You smiled like a kid making him smile more "Josemon what do you want?" "Cuticura" "Cuticura?" Jaison looked down at him and threw the ring over that . You and Josemon cheered "Teddyyy" You shook Jaison "Okay okay" He threw the ring right over the teddy "Yayyy" You hugged him. "Sister you are always complaining about me not getting you anything what do you want?" Jaison asked his sister "Hmm.... Steam cooker?" Jaison looked at her with a raised eyebrow "Steam cooker? Take it" He threw the ring over the steam cooker "How do you do this?" His sister looked at him amused. Finally he threw the remaining rings he had in his hand over all the things that was placed on the table making you chuckle "You're so cool" You hit him on the arm playfully. Jaison giggled and wrapped an arm around your shoulder "Hey (Y/n) I want you to meet someone" He stopped before a girl. The girl waved at Jaison "This is biji" "Biji this is my girlfriend (Y/n)" He said proudly as Biji smiled at you "Jaison looks like you finally confessed to her you gave us all a headache by not doing that for years" Biji laughed at him. You looked up at Jaison as he sheepishly smiled and rubbed his neck "(Y/n) you know it would be a surprise to all of us if Jaison didn't talk about you even for a day like he's always talking about you that now I know about your whole history" Biji laughed "He doesn't even leave out Josemon he also blabbers to him about you poor boy" Biji ruffled Josemon's hair and he looked at you smiling. You didn't know if you should smile wide or blush. You smiled softly at Jaison "Stop embarrassing me guyss" Jaison grabbed your hand and started walking through the fair. "Jaison" "Yes (Y/n)" "Did you love me that much?" Jaison stopped in his tracks "Come with me" He walked you out of the fair and you both reached a lake. It was quiet and no one was there. You and Jaison sat on the grass as you looked at him "Tell me Jaison" "(Y/n)... where do I even start? The hardest part here was being your friend. Every moment I was with you in college I wished to let you know how much I loved you but I knew you'd not see me the same way. I was afraid if I propose to you you would not even look at me as your best friend so I gave it some time. Later I did genuinely wanted to tell you how much I loved you in our farewell" You could see him tearing up "It's okay if you don't wanna say more Jaison" "No no it's fine" He held your hand. You smiled and gave his hand a gentle squeeze "That's when you said you were moving to Chennai... did you remember when I said I wanted to tell you something" "Yes I do remember that very well" "It was this but then I couldn't say this to you cause I was worried by the fact you wouldn't stay beside me from the next day. Then all these years I even wanted to confess to you through the letters I sent you but I don't want to let you know how much I love you through papers. I wanted you to see it through my eyes. (Y/n) I was very happy when you came back to me. I was scared so much when that lightning hit me even my subconscious mind was reminding me that I didn't let you know about my love. I was relieved when I recovered and then I knew I shouldn't wait anymore to confess to you when I saw you crying just for me. It gave me the confidence I didn't get for years" You cried softly as you hugged Jaison with all the strength you had "Jaison I love you so much and I'll never think about leaving you ever. You're my man always and forever I'll promise you that" Jaison smiled and kissed your shoulder and pulled away from the hug. He held your cheeks as you placed your hands over his "I love you more (Y/n)" Jaison smiled through his tears and kissed you on the forehead.

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