chapter one: The unexpected connection

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Anna Gelatino, a twenty-four-year-old graphic designer from New York City, sat at her cluttered desk, sipping on a lukewarm cup of coffee as she sifted through emails and notifications on her phone. It was just another ordinary day in her bustling urban life—until an unfamiliar ping interrupted the steady hum of city sounds outside her window.

With a furrowed brow, Anna glanced down at her phone to see a notification from an unknown username requesting to follow her on Instagram. Her first instinct was to dismiss it as spam or perhaps a misguided attempt at social networking. After all, why would someone she didn't know want to connect with her?

Curiosity gnawed at her, however, when she noticed that the same username had left a comment on her latest Instagram post—a short story she had penned late one night, inspired by the glow of city lights outside her window. The comment was brief yet intriguing, hinting at a shared appreciation for her writing style and a curiosity about the person behind the screen.

The username belonged to Alvin Shroff, a name that sparked a flicker of recognition in Anna's mind. She vaguely recalled coming across his profile before—a fellow writer based out of India, with a penchant for poetry and prose that bordered on the profound. His words had always resonated with her, weaving tales of love and longing that tugged at the strings of her heart.

As Anna scrolled through Alvin's profile, she found herself captivated by the beauty and vulnerability of his words. Each poem was a delicate tapestry of emotions, woven with threads of raw honesty and unbridled passion. It was as if he had bared his soul on the canvas of cyberspace, inviting others to glimpse the depths of his innermost thoughts and desires.

Caught in the mesmerizing web of his writing, Anna couldn't help but feel a sense of kinship with this stranger from halfway across the world. His words spoke to her in a way that few others had, echoing the silent whispers of her own hopes and dreams. She found herself drawn to the enigma of Alvin Shroff, curious to unravel the mysteries that lay hidden behind his digital facade.

With a mixture of trepidation and excitement, Anna clicked the accept button, sealing their virtual connection with a simple swipe of her finger. Little did she know, this seemingly innocuous gesture would set into motion a chain of events that would irrevocably alter the course of her life. As she embarked on this journey of unexpected connections and serendipitous encounters, Anna couldn't help but wonder what adventures awaited her on the other side of the screen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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