47. just sadness 😢🙁

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With jungkook

Jungkook is very tensed his hand is in his head , he don't know where is tae

He is looking him everywhere every alley and streets but he is no where to find

But someone call him form unknown number , he receive the call

JK: hello who is it

Jimin: where is tae , jungkook

JK: today morning he went out angry now I am not able to find him (broken voice)

Jimin: and why he go out of his own house because he find out you cheated on him (cold)

JK: how many times I have to explain it was a mistake , I don't want to cheat on him, I love him so much-

Jimin: jungkook cheating is choice not a mistake, you can't deny your sins

JK: I know but I still love him so much (teary eyes)

Jimin: stop crying now, I am going to register a missing report in police

Jimin is angry on jungkook but it's not the right time for being angry on him

Jimin: where did he go , what should I do now (worried)

JK: taetae where are you, please come back (crying)

Jungkook is finding him he is crying while looking for him

But how can someone trust him again, he is finding tae because he love him

Or because he is still craving for his body, after what he do with tae

Is there still any love and affection is left in his heart for tae

Now even his love sounds like lust

JK: I will find you taetae , I will not let you leave me like this

He wiped his tears

Want a sad ending or happy ending

I have ideas for both

Btw the story is getting emotional or not mean I don't think

I am good writing emotional parts

So comment down pls

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