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It was just another normal afternoon in my high school. I was sitting in the corner of the classroom, alone as usual. While the field outside was bustling with students, I found comfort in the silence of my own space. I had my favorite lunch with me and a bottle of apple juice. I was content with being by myself, but little did I know that this day would be different.

As I took a bite of my sandwich, someone suddenly sat next to me. I looked up to see a boy with bright pink hair and a wide smile on his face. It was Itadori Yuji, the resident class clown. I had never spoken to him before, but he always caught my attention with his energetic personality and unique appearance.

''Hey, mind if I join you? Sitting alone is no fun'' He said, his voice filled with genuine warmth.

I was taken aback by his kind gesture, but just silently nodded. For some reason I couldn't say no today, I felt it all so weird, but decided to not think too much of it.

''I'm not like disturbing your space am I?'' He asked, you looked over at him, just silently staring at him

''Can I say something? I don't want to sound like a stalker...I may be stupid in class, but I'm a good observer...and I couldn't help but observe you...'' Yuji went on to say, you continued to stare at him in silence

''I think...you've been through a lot...and that's why you're quiet...I know we aren't friends, but I've always wanted to speak to you...I just couldn't muster up the courage...'' He nervously chuckled, whilst scratching the back on his neck. Your eyes widened slightly

''Of course...I might be prying...but maybe speaking to someone and making a friend will help...like take me for example, I speak to everyone, but I only have a few close friends...'' He smiled at you

''You don't have to make so many friends...even one is often enough...and I'm just gonna be straight up. I want to be that friend'' Yuji offered his brightest smile to you, whereas you couldn't understand what was going on

💭 ''He wants to be my friend...?''

💭 ''What if it's a prank...?''

''You're probably thinking it's a prank, right?'' He asked out of nowhere, he noticed the shocked expression on your face, which earned a chuckle from him

''I can assure you that I am speaking from the bottom of my heart.'' He said


''I'm not sure about friend...but maybe an acquaintance...?'' You mumbled, Yuji fell off his chair



''Did my friendship request just get rejected....?'' Yuji's voice trailed off as he stared at the ceiling, you let out a sigh

''Itadori. I can't just be your friend...I need time to...well...get used to this feeling I guess...'' You mumbled quietly, now looking outside the window, Yuji looked over at you

''Why did it have to be me...couldn't you have left me alone...?'' You mumbled to yourself, Yuji sat up, and stared at you

He definitely heard it.

''My grandpa told me that often the most loneliest people are the ones that love deeply. You just have to approach them and tell them it's okay'' Yuji smiled at you, you found yourself staring at him in shock, totally not expecting that

💭 ''Love...?''

💭 ''Can I even...love...anyone...?''

💭 ''Do I even have the ability to love...?''

''They're also the most wisest.'' He added. Yuji definitely wasn't the idiot you thought he was, you didn't think he was life smart or anything smart really...


''You...you ruined my peaceful lunch. Itadori Yuji'' You sighed as you closed your eyes, Yuji's face paled as he realized, he nervously got up

''Welp! I didn't mean to ruin your lunch, I just wanted to be friends...sorry!'' Yuji apologized before storming off with his own lunch box

You were left in silence now...

You turned your gaze back outside, your mind drifting off into the endless world of thoughts...

''Itadori Yuji, huh? You pink haired brat'' You sighed, now closing your eyes.



Ever since you were a child, you had the ability to see curses that normal people couldn't see. You didn't understand why or how this was possible, but as you grew up, it became a part of your everyday life. You learned to ignore the curses and continue with your life as normal. Although it was always something that made you curious.

It was just like any other day, you were walking home from school, trying to make your way through the crowded streets. As you were lost in your thoughts, you were suddenly interrupted by Yuji. He was waving at you with a smile on his face.

''Hey!'' Yuji called out as he walked towards you. You let out a sigh, not really in the mood to socialize.

''Is your home this way?'' Yuji asked, curiosity in his voice as he saw you walking in the same direction. You nodded,

''I use this way as a shortcut'' You said

''Let me drop you home then'' Yuji offered with a smile. You stared at him, not sure how to respond. You were used to walking home alone and never really needed anyone to accompany you.

''I don't need a babysitter'' You said calmly.

''I've always walked home alone, Itadori''

''Yeah, but that's before I knew you also take this route home'' Yuji pouted, looking at you with pleading eyes.

''No one ever asks, that's why'' You replied, your tone matter-of-fact.

''Well, as your acquaintance, I can walk you home'' Yuji smiled.

''That doesn't make any sense'' You said bluntly.

''Yeah yeah, just shush and walk'' Yuji said as he grabbed your arm and dragged you along.

You kept quiet during the walk home, it was a comfortable silence for you, but it seemed to be killing Yuji. He was used to talking and being surrounded by noise, so the quietness was getting to him.

''Man, L/n, I gotta respect you. Being this quiet and it not killing you is a massive feat. How do you do this? Can you please talk to me, it's so quiet I can hear crickets in the bushes'' Yuji mumbled, disbelief in his voice.

''I never said be my friend, did I?'' You mumbled back.

''H-hey! That's not fair!'' Yuji whined, puffing his cheeks like a little kid.

''I'm not here to babysit you either'' You added.

''You're so mean'' Yuji frowned, walking with a slumped figure.

As you reached your house, you stopped and looked at Yuji slumped figure, he glanced at you with a pouty face.

''My house is here. Thanks'' You said calmly before walking inside, Yuji stared at your figure, a smile made its way onto his face

''Good night, L/n'' He smiled before walking off aswell

To be continued...

Next time on Scars Of The Soul,
Sea Urchin and Mask Guy

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