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After successfully breaking the frog curse that had plagued the small village, you let out a sigh of relief. Being a powerful sorcerer, you were used to dealing with such supernatural situations. But this time, something felt off. As you were about to leave, you felt a tug on your invisible threads.

Startled, you turned around to see who or what was pulling on your threads. But to your surprise, there was no one there. That's the special thing about your threads - only sorcerers could see them, but not touch them. They could only feel them when you wrapped the threads around them. This raised many questions in your head.

''What the hell...'' You mumbled in shock.

You closed your eyes and followed the pull of your threads. It led you to a small outbuilding at the back of the main building. As you approached it, you could feel the presence of someone inside. You cautiously opened the creaky door and stepped inside.

To your surprise, there was a little child playing with your threads. You had never encountered anyone who could touch them, let alone play with them.

''Well, you don't see that every day. How is she able to touch them?'' You mumbled to yourself, still in disbelief.

You stepped forward to get a better look at the child. She noticed you and hurriedly hid behind a crate in the corner. You reassured her that you meant no harm and slowly, she came out from her hiding spot.

''Hey...come out, kid...I won't hurt you'' You said, holding out your hand to her. She cautiously stepped out and you could tell she was nervous.

''W-who are you?'' She asked, her crystal blue eyes wide with curiosity.

''I'm no one important. But this is no place for a kid. Come on, let's get you to safety'' You replied, offering her your hand.

She hesitated for a moment before taking your hand and getting up. As you picked her up in your arms, she rested her head on your shoulder. You were caught off guard by this, but you simply let out another sigh and began to make your way out of the building.

''What were you doing here?'' You asked her, trying to figure out the situation.

She began fiddling with her little fingers, you came to a stop and put her down on the floor, she wanted to avoid the question, that you could tell.

''Kid, you have to tell me'' You sighed, she had a pout on her face

''I was with...uhm...this strange looking human...I came here to hide because we playing hide and seek...'' She mumbled quietly, you stared at her

''Strange looking human? Can you tell me what exactly they looked like

''It uhm...was white...muscles...it had hole here'' She mumbled, she pointed to her chest, showing you where the hole was, your eyes widened slightly

''Did it have a big mouth?'' You asked curiously, she hummed, nodding her head

💭 ''So she was with that ugly curse this whole time?''

''Did that strange human anything to you, he didn't hurt you right?'' You asked, she shook her head

''No...but they almost hurt me before...'' She pouted, tears threatening to come out of her eyes, your eyes widened

''Kid, that is no human. It's dangerous'' You sighed, the little girl blinked twice

''Mean human?'' She asked, you nodded

''Yes...mean human'' You followed along, because obviously you couldn't tell her it was a f*cking curse

''Let's get you to safety, come on'' You said, now holding her hand, you were about to walk away but you felt your hand being pulled slightly


''C-can you...hold me please...you're warm...'' She smiled up at you, you found yourself staring at her in surprise


''Pwease...'' She pleaded, showing puppy dog eyes now, you let out a sigh and picked her up, she snuggled into the crook of your neck, you walked back over to the front of the building. Kugisaki was being placed in the car to head to the hospital.

''Ijichi-San, I found this girl in an out building in the back...please could you take her to the hospital too'' You said calmly as you placed her in his arms


''Where did this kid come from?!'' He spat in disbelief, you sighed, he placed the girl into the car and closed the door

''L/n, what's going on, what is a kid doing here?'' He asked worriedly

''I really don't know...she was playing with my threads'' You said, Ijichi nodded in understanding


''WAIT WHAT?!'' He spoke in shock, you nodded

''I don't know how that is possible, so after you get her checked up at the hospital, could you take her to Gojo-Sensei'' You asked, he nodded

''Very well.'' He said, adjusting his glasses

''Where is Fushiguro?'' You asked

''He went inside literally seconds before you come'' He answered, you nodded

''Oh yeah...the veil disappeared, so Itadori must've killed the curse. I'll go and find him too'' You said. Ijichi nodded and was then off with Kugisaki and the little girl

After he was gone, you decided to spread your threads out again to locate Fushiguro, you looked at your hand and saw the threads trembling.

''A fight...? With who though...if the curse is killed...'' You mumbled confusingly

As you pondered on the thought, something came across your mind

''Fushiguro...and...Sukuna...no...Itadori would've changed back by now...'' You mumbled, still thinking about the possibility

''Either way...something is not right...'' You sighed. You headed to the location your threads were taking you.



After you followed your threads, you came to what looked like an apartment complex, there was debri everywhere and this made you wonder how big the supposed fight was. As you made your way into the middle of the building complex, you could see Fushiguro standing there, all beat up and Itadori who also looked beat up. The next thing you saw was crimson liquid fall out of Itadori's mouth.

''You, Kugisaki, Gojo-Sensei and L/n...I don't need to worry about you guys, right?'' Itadori asked with a trembling voice

It was almost as if Itadori sensed your presence, which caused him glance over at you, a small smile on his face

''Look after L/n for me...'' Was the last thing Itadori said before his body went limp onto the ground


Your eyes were fixated on his body as you found yourself frozen at the sight.

''What the hell happened here...?'' Your voice wavered slightly, as you stared at Itadori's body, Megumi stayed silent

To be continued...

Next time on Scars Of The Soul,
Itadori is...Dead?

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