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Its been a week since then ricky avoid  hanging out with gyuvin

The boy always inviting him to eat dinner or lunch with him, even playing video games or watching a movie

But ricky keep refusing and he always saying that he was busy

Ricky posted his painting in his IG and someone message him and asking if he want to sell it with him

Of course ricky said yes because of the huge offer then later on they became friends

"What are you doing here jeonghyeon? " He asked lazily as the guy sit beside him and wrap his hands to ricky's shoulder

"Ohh come on ricky have some fun, lets go to the mall and hangout its my treat" Jeonghyeon said as ricky shook his head "im not in a mood to hangout, you have a game today right? So why are you here in my apartment instead of basketball court? " Ricky asked as he rolled his eyes

"You are so boring,did you even have a life? " The boy asked as ricky hit his shoulder "shut up or ill kick you out here" He said as the boy laugh "easy now, im sorry, doyou want to watch our game? Ill give you a VIP seat" The boy said smiling

Ricky rolled his eyes "im not interested in that so plss fucking jeonghyeon leave me alone" He said as the other boy laugh

"Ohh our opponent is the guy who own this whole building i guess he is gyubig? Oh no uhmm i gyuving? Aish i forgot" He said as ricky lean at him "you mean gyuvin?? " He asked "ohh yeah right gyuvin, so do you want to come? " The boy asked as ricky nod "alright if you want me to" Ricky said as he stood up but the other smirk "ohh i thought you don't want to? Its fine i can go by myself" The boy said as ricky rolled his eyes "fuck you let's go" Ricky said as the other laugh

Ricky want to see gyuvin play basketball, he didn't see him play basketball so he was excited

"You are so unfair, you only want to see gyuvin and not me" Jeonghyeon said as ricky smile "of course" He said

Jeonghyeon knows that ricky likes gyuvin, because ricky told him

"I hope you get dump if you confessed" Jeonghyeon said as ricky rolled his eyes

I already got dump stupid. Hethought.

Yes jeonghyeon didn't kniw that ricky already confessed

"Shut up" Ricky said as they went to jeonghyeon's car

"You wound me" Jeonghyeon said as he pout

"Just fucking drive" Ricky said as the boy nod "alright boss" He said as they drove off

When they arrived, he saw a huge and clean basketball court

And then he saw a familliar person and stared at it

Jeonghyeon noticed it "do you know hao?? " He asked as ricky shook his head "ohh i don't know him but i saw him once, he is gyuvin's friend"
He said as jeonhyeon smirk

"Hao and that man beside him holding a ball is a couple they are cute and nice, gyuvin's circle of friend is not straight at all so you have a chance to gyuvin, now all you have to do is to make him like you" Jeonghyeon said as he wink

Ricky blushes but shook it off

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